The United States has detained a greater number of undocumented immigrants from Mexico during the first months of this year in comparison with the same period last year.... More

In the United States, the Florida neighborhood watchman who fatally shot unarmed Black teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012 has put the killer handgun up for auction.... More

In the latest act of ethnic or racial profiling on U.S. airlines, an Italian man was removed from an airplane and questioned after the woman next to him raised alarms about cryptic messages he was scrawling on a notepad.... More

Sports News Roundup May 14

2016 Olympics The recent classification of badminton player Osleni Guerrero for the 2016 Olympic Games, taking place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Aug. 5-21 increased the number of Cuban athletes participating, in 14 sports so far, to 86. Jose Antonio Miranda, the head of the High Performing Athletes Department of the Cuban Sports Institute said that this figure is likely to increase, as there are still some sports pending qualifiers in May and June, including athletics, cycling and boxing, among others. Miranda reiterated the country's aim to rank among the top 20 in the games by winning five or six gold medals, and said that Cuban athletes are receiving careful personalized training. Judo Grand Prix of Almaty There was Cuban presence on Saturday by the women Maricet Espinosa (63) and Onix Cortés (70) and men Magdiel Estrada (73) and Ivan Silva (81) in the Judo Grand Prix that began Friday in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Espinosa, Silva and Estrada rank 13, 18, and 21 respectively, while Cortes should get her direct ticket to the Olympics through the continental ranking – the ranking grants 14 direct tickets to women - and this tournament awards 300 points to the champions of each of the 14 divisions convened. Meanwhile, women Yalennis Castillo (78) and Idalis Ortiz (+78) and men José Armenteros (100) and Alex García (+100) will be the Cuban representatives on Sunday. Castillo, Ortiz, Armenteros and García appear 15th, 2nd, 9th and 20th, respectively. Another Cuban with possibilities of attending the Brazilian Olympic Games is Asley González (90), who ranks 11th, but is not registered for this contest due to a slight discomfort in his right shoulder. Last weekend, the pupils of trainers Justo Noda (m) and Armando Padron (w) competed in the Grand Slam of Baku, Azerbaijan, with bronze medals for Espinosa and Silva, while Mestre and Ortiz both finished 7th. This tournament in Almaty is attended by 399 judokas - 253 men and 146 women - from 84 countries, all seeking being included, ratified or improving their positions in the Olympic ranking which grants 22 (for men) and 14 (for women) direct tickets for the Brazilian summer feast. Futsal tournament In an interesting game that went to overtime, Cuba lost 5-6 to Panama, in one of the semifinals of the 2016 CONCACAF Futsal Championship tournament in Costa Rica. As reflected the event's website, Panama took an advantage in the first half, with three consecutive goals; by Michael de Leon, in the sixth minute, and two in a row by Angel Sanchez (12´ and 14´). Then in the 15 ', Dennys Marquez scored for Cuba, but Carlos Perez scored at 20' for Panama, thus finishing the first half with a 4-1 lead. But early in the second half, pupils of Coach Clemente Reynoso achieved an unexpected recovery by scoring four consecutive goals through Jhonnet Martinez, Sandy Dominguez, Marquez and Reinier Fiallo. However, Carlos Perez scored again for Panama and sent the game to extra time, when Fernando Mena scored the goal to give victory to Panama. Cuba Saturday fights for the bronze medal against Guatemala, who lost in the other semifinal 1-7 to Costa Rica, leaving Panama and Costa Rica to play for the scepter. These four teams have already qualified for the World Cup in Cali, Colombia, next September. ... More

The last two concerts of the Buena Vista Social Club Project’s closing tour is scheduled for Havana’s Karl Marx Theater on Saturday and Sunday... More

Cuba expressed its unwavering support for, and solidarity with, constitutionally-elected Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff... More

Cuba and the United States will hold a new round of talks next week, a senior foreign ministry official told the media in Havana.... More

Cuba has once again advocated the elimination of each and every one of the 15 000 nuclear weapons that exist in the world today, arguing that their use are unjustifiable under any security doctrine whatsoever.... More

In the U.S., a major newspaper editorialized today in favor a U.S-Cuba agreement on oil spills.... More

On Friday, six Cuban heroes and their relatives concluded a visit to Russia after fulfilling a packed agenda, responding to an invitation from the lower chamber of the Russian parliament or State Duma to attend celebrations on the 71st anniversary of the Soviet Victory over Fascism.... More

Brazilian social movements remain in "permanent mobilization" against any coup regime, according to reports from Brasilia, the capital.... More

The rumored cabinet of Brazil's Senate-imposed President Michel Temer will lack gender and racial diversity while championing neo-liberalism.... More

Brazil's Senate-imposed President Michel Temer is likely to name as Minister of Agriculture, Senator Blairo Maggi. ... More

Argentinean President Mauricio Macri is the first world leader to congratulate Michel Temer on becoming Brazil's interim president after staging her ouster in the Senate -- a congratulations that came after Temer was first tricked by an Argentinean radio host impersonating the head of state.... More

The Russian Foreign Ministry spoke out Wednesday against the efforts to oust Rousseff, pinning the move on "foreign interference." ... More
