Brazil's Senate has voted 55 to 22 to put President Dilma Rousseff on trial, which could lead to her impeachment.... More

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez has met in Berlin with his German counterpart, Frank Steinmeier.... More

No cases of acute hepatitis B in children under five years of age have been reported in Cuba since 1999, and none in youngsters under 15 since 2006... More

South African President Jacob Zuma said his country will continue calling for an end to the U.S. blockade against Cuba. ... More

Cuba has reported the 11th case of imported Zika virus.... More

Cuba and Algeria have signed a cooperation accord in the field of hydraulics that paves the way for the training of professionals from the African nation by Cuban experts.... More

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff took her battle to survive impeachment to the Supreme Court, in a last-ditch attempt to prevent the Senate from ousting her on Wednesday for alleged violation of budget procedures. ... More

Brazilian Vice President Michael Temer

Thousands of families belonging to Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement (MST), occupied a massive 1,500 hectare farm, which is being targeted due to its alleged ties with country’s deeply unpopular Vice President Michael Temer. ... More

One of the Venezuelan names that stands out in the Panama Papers revelations is Edward Saade, the ex-chair of the Venezuela America Chamber of Commerce and Industry... More

Forty Ecuadorean economic entities and individuals, including right-wing opposition leader and wealthy banker Guillermo Lasso, have used Panamanian law firms, most notably the star of the Panama Papers... More

A Mexican judge has ruled drug lord Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán can be extradited to the United States to face trial.... More

Clashes erupted between French riot police and hundreds of demonstrators protesting against a government decision to bypass parliamentary approval for proposed labor reforms.... More

Greek police fired tear gas Tuesday to stop a fight between frustrated refugees waiting at a huge makeshift camp near the village of Idomeni on the northern border with Macedonia.... More

London Mayor Sadiq Khan

Sadiq Khan, the new mayor of London, has rejected “ignorant” U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s offer that he could be an exception to his proposed ban on all Muslims entering the United States.... More

Polls show that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are more unpopular with voters than the candidates in any of the past 10 White House matchups.... More
