The so-called Panama Papers scandal has widened as an international team of journalists published a searchable database of documents online.... More

At least 50 people have been killed in floodings and landslides caused by heavy rains in Ethiopia. ... More

On Monday, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla visited the national parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany –The German Bundesrat.... More

Russian Foreign Minister Serguéi Lavrov met in Moscow with Heroes of the Republic of Cuba—the Cuban Five and Colonel Orlando Cardoso.... More

Telecommunications companies from Cuba and the United States have signed a direct interconnection agreement for the exchange of international voice traffic between the two countries.... More

Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro met Monday afternoon with his Highness Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, President of the Association of National Olympic Committees... More

China has denounced the United States for sending yet another warship close to an island in the South China Sea, saying the move "threatened peace and stability."... More

Human Rights Watch says Turkish border guards are continuing to shoot and beat Syrian refugees trying to cross into Turkey, calling on the country to investigate abuses.... More

London's newly-elected Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says his proposed ban on Muslims from entering the United States might not apply to London's newly-elected Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan.... More

As president of the only country to have used nuclear weapons, Barack Obama will make an historic visit to Hiroshima, Japan, where Washington first dropped the atomic bomb nearly 71 years ago.... More

Denis Baupin, the French lawmaker and former member of France's Green Party

The deputy speaker of the French parliament has announced his resignation over allegations of sexual harassment made by fellow politicians.... More

The International Monetary Fund, the IMF, says oil producers in the Middle East lost USD 390 billion in revenue last year... More

A former U.S. intelligence linguist in Florida says U.S. organizations are standing up to Washington's "imperialism and tyranny." ... More

On Monday, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez began an official visit to Germany, during which he will hold talks with his German counterpart, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.... More

Jaime Ortega, Archbishop of Havana acknowledged the role that Cuban authorities, particularly President Raúl Castro, have played in promoting dialogue between the Cuban State and the Catholic Church.... More
