Nearly three weeks after the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that shook Ecuador's northwestern region on April 16th, the Cuban medical brigade in the country is continue its work assisting the victims. ... More

The Cuban capital intends to double its tourist accommodation capacity by 2030. To this end, the sector plans to speed up investment plans in face of the increasing numbers of foreign visitors who chose Cuba to spend their holiday vacations. ... More

Experts from 46 countries will exchange their views and experiences on several social issues, during the Intercontinental Psychology Conference, set for June 11th through the 13th in the Cuban capital.... More

A special committee of Brazil's Senate has voted to continue impeachment measures against President Dilma Rousseff... More

The Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), Ernesto Samper, has expressed serious concern regarding efforts by Brazilian lawmakers to impeach President Dilma Rousseff.... More

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Peoples’ Trade Treaty (Alba-TCP) has condemned Washington's renewal of the “Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act” of 2014, by means of which the United States has extended sanctions imposed on the Bolivarian nation until 2019.... More

The Ecuadorean state-owned insurance company “Seguros Sucre” confirmed Wednesday that it would disburse between US$500 to 800 million in compensation to those whose insured buildings suffered damage as a result of the 7.8 earthquake that hit the country on April 16th.... More

Police in the Chilean capital of Santiago have fired water cannons at student protesters during a rally against the government’s educational reforms.... More

Hundreds marched in Mexico to mark 10 years since a brutal police raid on the town of Atenco.... More

Israeli warplanes have bombed the Gaza Strip for the third straight day, escalating fears of a new flare-up in a military confrontation with the Palestinians... More

Greek labor unions are taking a three-day general industrial action to vent their anger at a new round of austerity measures demanded by international lenders under the cash-strapped country’s third bailout package.... More

U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan says he is "just not ready" to support Donald Trump as the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee.... More

A U.S. federal judge in Washington says he may order Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton to testify under oath about whether she used a private e-mail server as U.S. secretary of state to evade public records disclosures.... More

Thousands of people have been airlifted from camps in the Fort McMurray area in Canada’s Alberta Province as a massive wildfire rages nearby. ... More

Most U.S. citizens say it would be better if the United States just dealt with its own problems and let other nations deal with their own problems as best they can, according to a new poll from the Pew Research Center.... More
