Scores of Palestinians have been injured as Israeli forces attacked a weekly protest against the occupation and the separation wall in Bil'in village... More

Liliam Kechichian, Minister of Tourism of Uruguay will travel to Havana next week to participate in the 60th World Tourism Organization Commission for the Americas and a Seminar on Tourism and Culture.... More

Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Marcelino Medina gave the closing remarks of the 12th Seminar on International Relations, which held sessions this week in Havana.... More

President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, has urged his followers on May 1st to help revive the economy of the territories affected by the earthquake. ... More

Italian police clashed in Pisa Friday with demonstrators protesting against the government of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. ... More

The government of Equatorial Guinea has expressed it's interest in expanding and strengthening cooperation ties with Cuba in sectors like the fisheries and environmental protection.... More

Indigenous representatives across Latin America demanded Thursday to be integrated into discussions on poverty and development as part of the Congress of Indigenous American Parliamentarians, hosted this week in Panama.... More

The Pentagon is releasing a full report on its own internal investigation into the U.S. military’s bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan... More

Seventy labor activists were murdered in Guatemala between 2004 and 2013, the Network of Labor Rights Defenders said Thursday.... More

Brazilian Vice President Michel Temer

Brazilian Vice President Michel Temer has put forward a number of policy proposals including teacher bonuses and relaxed labor laws, making headlines in what resembles a presidential campaign ahead of the possible impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff.... More

The United States military has deployed spy drones to Libya where the Pentagon's latest shift over Daesh (ISIL) will reportedly involve added air fire against militants in the North African state.... More

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel

Argentina's prominent human rights activist Adolfo Perez Esquivel condemned a "veiled coup d'etat" in Brazil and warned Brazilian senators about the possible aftermaths with other Latin American countries... More

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

Russia says the U.S. military intervention in Syria is illegal, ultimately aimed at toppling the government of President Bashar al-Assad. ... More

Cuban Deputy Minister for Foreign Trade and Investment, Ileana Nuñez; and deputy Foreign minister for Economic Affairs and Trade Negotiations of the Dominican Republic, César Dargan, signed a document which set out the terms of reference for a joint study to deepen the commercial ties between their countries.... More

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has called on his people to repudiate any act of aggression against violent maneuvers of the opposition... More
