German Foreign Intelligence Chief Bruno Kahl

Germany is to replace its foreign spy chief in an apparent move to compensate repercussions of controversial cooperation between the service and intelligence agencies in the United States.... More

Earthquakes have hit both Argentina in South America and the Central American nation of Nicaragua over the past 24 hours. ... More

The Austrian parliament adopted a controversial bill Wednesday aimed at stemming the flow of refugees into the country, despite harsh criticism by rights campaigners and from the neighboring Italy.... More

Palestinian envoy to the United Nations Riyad Mansour

The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations has drawn a parallel between the regime in Tel Aviv and Nazi Germany, criticizing Israel for branding all the Palestinians who oppose Israeli policies as "terrorists."... More

Former House of Representatives Speaker Dennis Hastert

A U.S. federal judge has sentenced former House of Representatives Speaker Dennis Hastert to 15 months in prison for financial crimes related to his attempts to cover up his sexual abuse of high school wrestlers decades ago.... More

A team of US conservationists will come to Cuba in May to help build a storage facility and workshop to preserve Finca Vigía, Hemingway’s Museum in Havana... More

April 18-22, activities took place in Washington to demand an end to the blockade and express solidarity with Cuba... More

Vice President Salvador Valdés Mesa, received the honorable Dr. Amina C. Mohamed, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Kenya... More

On Tuesday, April 26, Pope Francis formally accepted the resignation of the historic Archbishop of Havana, Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino, due to advanced age... More

Hundreds of people have rallied in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo to show their support for President Dilma Rousseff in her ongoing impeachment battle. ... More

Israeli forces have once again clashed with Palestinian Muslim worshipers at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound which lies in the Israeli-occupied Old City of Jerusalem.... More

Thousands of people have staged a demonstration in the Mexican capital to express their outrage at the government's response to the massacre of 43 students in 2014.... More

Russia says Syria peace talks will resume in the Swiss city of Geneva on May 10th.... More

Former Uruguayan President Pepe Mujica

Jose Pepe Mujica, former president of Uruguay, called impeachment proceedings against Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff "regrettable and painful." ... More

State rail workers in France went on strike Tuesday over management plans to rewrite working conditions in preparation for Europe-wide deregulation. ... More
