Israel is walling off an area in the Upper Galilee near the Lebanese border and the Israeli-occupied side of Golan, citing what it claims are security threats from Lebanon's Hezbollah movement.... More

Today is Earth Day and climate is on the world’s agenda as more than 60 heads of state met at the United Nations headquarters to sign the Paris climate agreement aimed at slowing climate change.... More

U.S. President Barack Obama has reaffirmed support for Washington’s Arab allies, saying the U.S. will use every element of its power to ensure the security of its interests and partners in the Persian Gulf region. ... More

The United Nations has officially opened delayed peace talks aimed to end more than a year of deadly conflict in Yemen. After repeated delays over alleged truce violations, Yemeni delegates started negotiations in Kuwait City.... More

Tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in Macedonia's capital against a government decision to grant mass pardon to officials accused of fraud and corruption.... More

Anti-austerity protests have been held in the Greek capital of Athens against scheduled government job cuts and reforms.... More

Nearly 1,000 striking employees of the U.S. communications giant, Verizon have staged a march over job security and wages. ... More

Usher says goodbye to Havana

Renowned US singer Usher went back home on Thursday after having toured several places in Havana as part of the Presidential Committee for the Arts and Humanities... More

President Raúl Castro has sent a message of condolences to Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, in the wake of the death and severe devastation caused to the Asian country by a series of earthquakes over the weekend.... More

Cuban trade unions are gearing up for the traditional patriotic marches on May 1st --International Workers' Day-- when workers will express their strong support for their socialist revolution and the accords of the recently held 7th Congress of the Communist Party.... More

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa toured the province of Esmeralda, located on the northwestern coast of Ecuador, to see first-hand the scope of the damages from the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit last Saturday, April 16th.... More

The Russian military will respond with “all necessary measures” to incidents of “intimidation” such as the U.S. naval destroyer that recently sailed close to Russia’s coastline.... More

Numerous voices are calling for new strategies against drug trafficking, relying on policies of cooperation, prevention, education and public health, during the UN General Assembly 30th Special Session on Drugs as a World Problem.... More

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem says Turkey and other countries continue to supply terrorists in Syria with advanced weapons. He made the remarks on Thursday at a meeting with China's special envoy to Syria as fighting raged across the country after the collapse of UN-sponsored peace talks.... More

Members of a visiting delegation from the U.S. President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities have expressed their interest in fostering cultural cooperation between the United States and Cuba.... More
