Russia promised Wednesday a “totally asymmetrical” response to NATO’s plan to deploy more troops to eastern Europe in order to counter what the alliance calls “Russian aggression,” Moscow’s envoy to NATO Aleksandr Grushko said in an interview.... More

Authorities in Equatorial Guinea have expressed their interest in strengthened cooperation with Cuba in the area of civil aviation.... More

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States is holding the 17th Meeting of National Coordinators, as preamble to the 10th Conference of Foreign Ministers on April 1st.... More

The Pentagon has informed Congress that it intends to transfer up to a dozen more prisoners from the military prison at Guantánamo Bay, in that illegally occupied portion of Cuban territory.... More

In Argentina, the Senate lit the green light to the government bill to pay the vulture funds, despite acquiring a huge debt, thanks to the endorsements by Alianza Cambiemos, and opposition Frente para la Victoria.... More

Colombia's second largest rebel group, the National Liberation Army (ELN), has been removed from the most wanted list of the world's largest policing organization, the Interpol.... More

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has said that he is willing to hold a presidential election if his people call for it.... More

On Wednesday, Austria moved to further tighten migrants' access to the country by placing tough new restrictions on asylum eligibility and making it easier to reject asylum seekers at the border. Some 14,000 people have already applied for asylum in Austria so far this year, according to the country's interior ministry.... More

The Regional Office of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, with offices in Chile, deplores the loss or waste of food in Latin America and the Caribbean, in volumes able to meet the needs of 36 million people.... More

Donald Trump would be the least popular general election candidate in U.S. history should he win the Republican nomination, according to a poll released Thursday.... More

Argentina's Minister for Production, Francisco Cabrera, confirmed a rise of tariffs by up to 500 percent, on water service, of 300 percent for gas, and from 70 to 150 percent on transport.... More

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez told Ecuadoran media that the lifting of Washington’s blockade against Cuba should be a unilateral U.S. action and not the result of any U.S.-Cuba negotiation.... More

The President of Ecuador, Rafeal Correa, assured that US President Barack Obama, is exercising a policy of carrot and stick with his historic visit to Cuba on one hand, while on the other he extends the decree declaring Venezuela a national threat.... More

Legislators of Gran Polo Patriotico and several Venezuelan organizations deplored the Law on Amnesty and National Reconciliation, that opposition right wing, the majority force in Parliament, approved in second round.... More

On Wednesday the youth at the 21st Meeting of the UN Model in Havana, Havmun 2016, will discuss the global strategy to deal with terrorism and the non-proliferation of light weaponry.... More
