The Democratic Movement of Brazil, the largest political party of Brazil, has decided to abandon the coalition with President Dilma Rousseff, and announced its members' resignation room government offices.... More

The President of Syria, Bashar al Assad, thanked the support message of UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, o the recent liberation of Palmyra from the occupation of the terrorist group Islamic State.... More

The government of Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos and the country’s second-largest rebel group—the National Liberation Army (ELN—have announced that they will begin official peace talks.... More

In a statement issued this afternoon, the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed the agreement between the Government of Colombia and the National Liberation Army (ELN).... More

The development of tourism and national potentials for its expansion are on debate today at the 3rd Business Fair of Havana.... More

Cuban praxis in promoting health care will be studied in the 2nd International Congress for Health Promotion, and the 10th Regional Workshop to Promote and Teach Health Care, to be held in Havana from April 4th to the 7th.... More

Ecuador Oil Minister, Carlos Pareja, said he will travel Wednesday to Colombia and Mexico to arrange a meeting in Quito of Latin American oil producers.... More

In Colombia, one active general and one retired general are under investigation for their role in a scandal that saw thousands of civilians killed.... More

Assembling radios and accessories from kits of parts is making a nice comeback, and this is good news… The days of vacuum tubes kits are over of course, but now, a totally new generation of radios and accessories in kit form is becoming available at moderate prices…... More

Sports News Roundup March 29

The Cuban soccer team facing as visitor to French Guyana in Group 3 this Tuesday, in the 2nd qualifying date of the Caribbean Union facing the Caribbean Cup.... More

Damascus, March 29 (RHC)-- The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has confirmed the full extent of the terror inflicted on Syrians by the Islamic State group.... More

Geneva, March 29 (RHC-Agencies)-- The United Nations said on Tuesday it was seeking to resettle more than 450,000 Syrian refugees, some one-tenth of those now in neighboring countries, by the end of 2018, but conceded that it was battling widespread politicization of the issue.... More

Lahore, March 29 (RHC)-- Pakistani authorities detained more than 5,000 suspects, then released most of them, in the two days since a suicide bomber hit a park in the eastern city of Lahore at Easter, killing at least 70 people, a provincial minister said on Tuesday.... More

Havana, March 29 (RHC)-- The International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity is calling for a new protest action in Washington D.C. in April to pressure U.S. President Barack Obama to exercise his powers to dismantle Washington's 55-year-old blockade against Cuba, and to encourage Congress to eliminate the failed policy in its entirely.... More

Havana, March 29 (RHC)-- The 20th edition of the University of Havana’s Model of the United Nations (HAVMUN 2016) began sessions Tuesday, sponsored by the Cuban Association of the United Nations (ACNU) , the country's Foreign Ministry (MINREX) and the Federation of University Students (FEU).... More
