Wharton Business School convened in Nasdaq Stock Exchange the second Summit of Opportunities in Cuba, to brief the US business circles about the opportunities at the Island country. ... More

Donald Trump

Havana, Mar 18 (RHC) A follower of the Republican candidate for the White House, Donald Trump, hit and punched two students, one Latin and another Muslim in the US state of Kansas, so revealed the local police.... More

Higinio Velez

Havana, March 18th (RHC) The president of the Cuban National Baseball Federation (FCB), Higinio Velez, assured his nation today that Cuba would, "go back to being one of the main countries in the sport."... More

Alicia Alonso

Havana, March 18th (RHC) The prima ballerina assoluta of Cuba, Alicia Alonso, expects the visit of the US President, Barack Obama, will contribute to the lifting of the blockade against Cuba and said she would like to personally congratulate him for his courage.... More

Rolling Stones

Rolling Stones´ visit to Havana

Havana, March 18 (PL-RHC) "The Rolling Stones concert in Cuba was the idea of the whole band, which began to get things ready more than six months ago," said the group's publicist, Bernard Doherty.... More

President of the Cuban National Baseball Federation, Higinio Velez

Sports News Roundup March 18

The president of the Cuban National Baseball Federation (FCB), Higinio Velez, assured his nation today that Cuba would, "go back to being one of the principal countries in the sport."... More

A dozen films will be screened in the Cuban capital at the Dutch Film Festival scheduled for March 18th through 27th... More

Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez described as positive new measures announced by the U.S. government yesterday aimed at relaxing Washington’s economic circle against Cuba.... More

Cuban Prima Ballerina Alicia Alonso

Cuban Prima Ballerina Assoluta Alicia Alonso, hopes the visit to Cuba by US President Barack Obama, will help bring down Washington's over 50-year long economic, commercial and financial blockade.... More

The Cuban Baseball Federation and Major League Baseball are far from reaching a deal on Cuban players signing up with US clubs, in spite of new regulations recently announced by Washington.... More

Argentina's president Mauricio Macri

Judge Sebastian Casanello is seeking to sue Argentina President, Mauricio Macri, because of the deal he made in New York with international loaners on the payment of vulture funds, bypassing the congressional debates.... More

Hundreds of farmers are grouping in Asuncion from Wednesday to hold Thursday a day of massive protests amid reinforced security.... More

Sports News Roundup March 17

Just a few pending details are tuning up for the successful holding of the friendly baseball cap agreed for the 22nd to come at the Latinoamericano Stadium in Havana between a Cuban team and the Tampa Bay Rays, from US Major Leagues.... More

Economic Update March 17

The Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba S.A. (ETECSA) and Verizon Partner Solutions, the wholesale services unit of U.S. company Verizon Communications Inc., have concluded their negotiations and signed a direct interconnection agreement for the exchange of international voice traffic between Cuba and the U.S.... More

Haiti Sends Out Food Shortage SOS

The National Food Security Council of Haiti warned that the poor food production because of the drought will leave four million nationals in need of food aid.... More
