Sports News Roundup March 16

The left-hander Matt Moore has been announced by the manager of Tampa Bay, Kevin Cash, as team opener against Cuba's national team on March 22nd in a friendly match to be held at the Havana's Latinoamericano Stadium.... More

Cuban and U.S. telecom firms have signed an agreement to establish direct international voice traffic, basically in incoming and outgoing calls, the Cuban official daily Granma reported on Monday.... More

A bipartisan delegation made up of 23 members of the U.S. Congress will accompany President Obama on his historic trip to Cuba, March 20th through the 22nd, EFE news agency has reported.... More

The Obama administration announced today new measures having to do with Cuba. Press reports from the U.S. capital say the new rules involve expanding educational travel and allowing Cuban nationals to work in the U.S. and open bank accounts there.... More

On Wednesday, March 16th, Cuba and the United States will re-establish direct postal services, which will allow for two-way traffic of ordinary mail, other postal items, and packages both regular and express.... More

Associations of solidarity with Cuba urged in Luxemburg to eliminate the economic, commercial and financial blockade the US imposed on Cuba.... More

President Nicolas Maduro repudiated the US government policy of intrusion and its alliance with right wing opposition parties that are trying to destabilize Venezuela.... More

Russia's withdrawal of military forces from Syria will help keep parties at the table to find a solution to the Syria issue through negotiations, China's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday... More

Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara on Monday urged countries in the West Africa sub-region to unite to defeat terrorism.... More

Two activists scaled an art installation in front of the office of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) information office in Washington D.C. as part of protest calling on the U.S. government agency to cut support with a controversial dam project in Honduras.... More

A total of 72 foreign journalists have been fined because they entered Macedonian territory illegally, following a bigger group of migrants from the Greek transition camp Idomeni, Macedonian Ministry of Interior announced Tuesday.... More

Cuba will present appealing offers at the Salon Mondial du Tourisme-International, the main fair to promote tourism in France that will be held from March 17th to 20th. According to the Ministry of Tourism (Mintur), the expectations for this meeting are high given the many scheduled meetings and the tourism boom in Cuba.... More

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has sent a letter to President Raúl Castro, thanking Cuban authorities and people for the warm welcome and hospitality he and his accompanying delegation received during their recent visit to what he described as 'the blessed Cuban land.'... More

Organizations in defense of the rights of the citizens in Venezuela and throughout Latin America will denounce at the UN Human Rights Council, an amnesty bill that the right wing is promoting in Venezuela's National Assembly.... More

The Southern Parliament President, Jorge Taiana said the Parlasur will discuss Monday approving a protocol to fight and prevent mosquito Aedes Aegipty, transmitter of dengue, zika, chikungunya and yellow fever.... More
