Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla and his Argentine counterpart Susana Malcorra

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla met Thursday afternoon in Havana with his Argentine counterpart Susana Malcorra, who is here on an official visit to participate in the Colombia Peace Talks.... More

China has strongly criticized the U.S. human rights record, saying that Washington commits crimes including "rape and murder" of civilians.... More

Benoît Standaert, Consul of the Belgian embassy in Havana, has asserted that ever since 1996, relations between the European Union and Cuba have been hampered by the European Bloc's so-called 'common stance' on Cuba.... More

José Ramón Balaguer, Director for Foreign Relations at the Cuban Communist Party

José Ramón Balaguer, Director for Foreign Relations at the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) asserted in Mexico City that Cuba will never renounce socialism.... More

Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff

In Palacio de Alvorada, Brasilia, President Dilma Rousseff led an emergency ministerial meeting, after the Attorney's Office in Sao Paulo requested preventive custody for former President Luiz Innácio Lula da Silva.... More

Israeli forces have stormed the West bank offices of Palestine Today television and arrested a manager, claiming the TV has been fueling violence across the occupied territories.... More

A business delegation from the U.S. state of Ohio has wrapped up a visit to Cuba, during which they explored possibilities of commerce on the Caribbean island.... More

The need for strengthened policies to protect heritage in Cuban cities and communities given the changes in the economic model of the country was highlighted in Santiago de Cuba by architect Jose A. Choy.... More

Members of the Venezuelan National Assembly and the Committee of victims of the right-wing disturbances participated Friday in a conference in Ecuador, titled 'Amnesty vs. Justice in Venezuela'.... More

The U.S. Is reportedly weighing military options, including air raids, in Libya which has been engulfed in violence since Muammar Gaddafi was ousted after NATO and U.S. airstrikes five years ago, The New York Times reports.... More

Ecuadorian Minister for Hydrocarbon, Carlos Pareja Yannuzelli, said the meeting of Latin American and Caribbean Oil producers announced for Friday has been postponed due to inconveniences with the agenda of petroleum ministers and foreign ministers.... More

The United Nations high commissioner for human rights has censured the government in Bahrain for its harsh crackdown on dissent, calling on Manama to carry out fundamental reforms.... More

Haiti has requested assistance from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), due to the food shortage threatening today more than 3.5 million people, with 1.5 million rated as living in critical situation.... More

The seventh session of ministerial talks between the European Union and Cuba is taking place Thursday in Havana chaired by Federica Mogherini, on behalf of the EU, and Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez.... More

Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, General Secretary of the Confederation of Cuban Workers (CTC) has pointed to what he described as good prospects for enhanced cooperation ties between Cuba and Vietnam.... More
