Sports News Roundup March 8

The Cuban capital's baseball team, Industriales, defeated Pinar del Rio by a narrow margin of 5-4 and secured the 3rd place in the regular Season at the 55th Cuban Baseball Championship.... More

Sports News Roundup March 7

The legendary Latinoamericano Stadium in the Cuban capital is undergoing a complete refurbishment, including the infield and outfield areas.... More

Cuban President Raúl Castro has met in Havana with Hoang Binh Quan, special envoy of the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Nguyen Phu Trong.... More

Cuba's Granma newspaper notes that lifting Washington's economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba is essential towards normalizing U.S.-Cuba relations.... More

President Nicolas Maduro has called on grassroots and social movements to join a national march against a decree that was recently renewed by U.S. President Barack Obama referring to Venezuela as "a threat."... More

Syrian government forces have taken four villages from Takfiri terrorists in the northern province of Aleppo. ... More

Cuba has confirmed the third imported case of Zika virus in the country.... More

The U.S. is set to announce further measures on March 17 to relax its travel and commercial controls on Cuba, before President Barack Obama’s historic visit to the Caribbean island later in the month, U.S. congressional sources said on Tuesday.... More

Dozens of women marked International Women’s Day yesterday by rallying outside the Honduran Mission to the United Nations to demand justice for the murder of Honduran environmental activist Berta Cáceres.... More

Chairman of Brazil's House of Deputies, Eduardo Cunha

Allies of the Chairman of Brazil's House of Deputies, Eduardo Cunha, committed fraud to prevent the Ethics Commission from investigating Cunha, the local press has reported.... More

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders

In the most surprising upset of the U.S. presidential campaign to date, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the Michigan state primary.... More

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar, a Democrat from Minnesota, has urged the Barack Obama administration to ease restrictions on investment in Cuba so that U.S. hotel chains can operate in the Caribbean country.... More

Havana City Historian Eusebio Leal

Cuban intellectual Havana City Historian Eusebio Leal will be awarded the Henry Hope Reed prize by the US University of Notre Dame, in Indiana, in recognition of his efforts to protect the patrimonial architecture, announced the Havana City Historian's Office. ... More

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodríguez

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodríguez lashed out at US President Barack Obama for extending the decree against her country, which it defines as an unusual and extraordinary threat to US national security and foreign policy.... More

The Pentagon has reportedly presented the White House with the most detailed outline to date for possible military action against ISIL in Libya.... More
