The United Nations has raised alarm about extreme food shortage in the Central African Republic ... More

Cuban President Raul Castro reaffirmed his will to further brace the bonds of solidarity and cooperation between the governments and peoples of Cuba and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.... More

Heinz Fischer, Federal President of the Republic of Austria

Heinz Fischer, Federal President of the Republic of Austria, arrives in Cuba Tuesday for an official visit, during which he will hold talks with President Raúl Castro and with other Cuban authorities.... More

he Colombian government representative to the peace talks rejected criticism from the sectors opposing a transitional justice agreement signed with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia–People's Army (FARC-EP).... More

On Tuesday, preparatory meetings began in every Cuban province to debate the documents that will be submitted for discussion and approval by delegates to the 7th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, set for April 16th through the 18th. ... More

Dennis Moses, Foreign Affairs Minister of Trinidad and Tobago is urging his country's companies to look for new business opportunities in Cuba.... More

Mexico's Secretary for Agriculture, livestock Rural Development, Fishing and Nutrition, Jose Calzada, assumed the leadership of the 34th Regional Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on Tuesday.... More

UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura has announced that the next round of negotiations to end the deadly conflict in the Arab country will get underway on March 9th. He changed an earlier decision based on which the talks were set to resume on March 7.... More

A visiting delegation from the Senate of the Czech Republic praised Cuba's health care system, voicing the European country's interest in strengthening bilateral exchanges and cooperation with the Caribbean state in the sector.... More

The European Commission, the executive body of the European Union (EU), has expressed deep concern about police brutality against refugees trapped on the Greek-Macedonian frontier.... More

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez, traveled to Geneva to brief the international community on her country's achievements in human rights.... More

Israel has abducted more than a dozen Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and in the Gaza strip as part of its increasing crackdown on the residents of the two enclaves. ... More

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa spoke on his government's macroeconomic efforts to deal with the adverse world financial situation, the oil slump and the subsequent appreciation of the US Dollar.... More

In the U.S., it's "Super Tuesday" -- one of the most important days of voting in primaries and caucuses in the 2016 presidential campaign.... More

Mexico's National Migration Institute welcomed in Juarez, Chihuahua, the fourth flight from Panama with Cuban emigrants, wishing to reach the United States.... More
