In Mexico, federal prosecutors and independent experts launched a new round of investigation on Sunday to study debris at the Cocula garbage dump, where authorities claim the remains of the 43 disappeared Ayotzinapa students were burned.... More

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Sunday said the fight against terrorism should be conducted through joint international efforts, and that double standards, selfish ambitions, and disputes need to be set aside.... More

As of Monday, February 29th, the Cuban Health Ministry implemented a series of new regulations for international sanitary control, aimed at protecting the health of the population.... More

Havana will be hosting beginning today the 18th edition of the Habanos Festival. ... More

Former Brazilian President Lula da Silva

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said over the weekend that if the Workers Party (PT) deemed it necessary, he would be the party's presidential candidate for the next elections in 2018.... More

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has condemned Saudi Arabia for defying calls to halt airstrikes on Yemen, following a recent air attack that killed dozens of civilians in a market.... More

The Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia- People's Army FARC-EP will resume peace talks in Cuba on Wednesday, the government of President Juan Manuel Santos announced on Sunday.... More

Macedonia sent special police reinforcements by helicopter Monday to its border with Greece, after repelling hundreds of frustrated Iraqi and Syrian refugees with tear gas and stun grenades when they tried to force their way across the border.... More

Syrian government forces have managed to retake control of a strategic road in northern Syria in a new major advancement that paves the way for purging the northern city of Aleppo of the Takfiri Daesh terrorists.... More

Hundreds of Palestinians, including lawmakers, held a demonstration in the occupied West Bank over the weekend, calling for the boycott of Israeli products.... More

Josefina Vidal, Director General for the United States in the Cuban Foreign Ministry, has warned that Washington's over 50-year economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba remains in full force and thorough enforcement. ... More

Cubans are holding local neighborhood meetings to discuss wiping out breeding areas of the Aedes Aegipty mosquito and prevent the spread of the Zika virus.... More

Cuba celebrates this year the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the National Assembly of People's Power, the Cuban Parliament.... More

The Ambassador to Cuba of the Dominican Republic, Joaquin Gerónimo, praised the strong friendship binding his country to Cuba.... More

A landmark two-week ceasefire has gone into effect in Syria, urging the "cessation of hostilities" by the warring sides of the conflict. Minutes before the midnight on Friday local time, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution, drafted by Russia and the United States, to endorse the truce. The agreement demanded the ceasefire to begin at midnight Damascus time (22:00 GMT Friday). ... More
