Havana will host the 2nd International Fair and Convention of Cuban Industry from June 20th through the 25th.... More

Bolivian President Evo Morales ratified his existing cabinet, calling for more effective work to speed up the country's investment program and boost national industrialization.... More

Palestinian journalist Mohammed al-Qiq

Jailed Palestinian journalist Mohammed al-Qiq has put an end to its grueling 94-day hunger strike that had exposed him to an immediate risk of death after his lawyers reached an agreement with Israeli authorities for his release in May.... More

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says establishing a so-called 'safe zone' in Syria requires between 15,000 to 30,000 foot soldiers.... More

A Palestinian child has lost his life and another sustained serious injuries when an explosive device that had been left from Israel's last military onslaught against the Gaza Strip went off in the besieged coastal enclave.... More

In Calais, France, in the largest camp in the country, refugees say officials began telling people to move out this morning, after a judge ruled Thursday that French authorities can move forward in evicting as many as 3,000 refugees.... More

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has called on Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio to stop “punishing” Mexico by blocking the nomination of Roberta Jacobson as ambassador to that country, accusing the Florida senator of expressing his opposition to U.S. policy toward Cuba.... More

The Cuban Music Institute is reportedly coordinating the performance of Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones in Havana’s Sports City Coliseum next month... More

On Wednesday, government representatives from Cuba and Australia participated in a business forum in Havana, where they showed a common interest in diversifying and strengthening bilateral trade relations.... More

Tens of thousands of public workers across Argentina have staged a one-day strike to protest against soaring inflation and widespread job cuts by the administration of President Mauricio Macri.... More

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has dismissed speculation about an alternative plan for a political settlement of the Syria crisis.... More

The intensive national sanitation campaign continues all across Cuba, with reserve and active duty officers of the country's Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) actively participating alongside the people.... More

On Wednesday, floral wreaths were laid on behalf of Cuban President Raúl Castro and Revolution leader Fidel Castro at the mausoleum honoring National Hero José Martí, in Santiago de Cuba's Santa Ifigenia cemetery.... More

In Peru, the state oil company has acknowledged at least 3,000 barrels of crude oil have spilled in the Amazon region, after ruptures in Peru’s main oil pipeline.... More

Syrian army forces and their allies have retaken control of a strategic town in the northern Aleppo province from Daesh militants.... More
