Compañero Ramón Castro Ruz, Labor Hero of the Republic of Cuba, passed away in Havana on Tuesday at the age of 91. ... More

U.S. lawyer Thomas B. Wilner says that President Barack Obama has the power to close the prison at the illegal base the US Government runs in the Eastern Cuban territory of Guantánamo, and transfer the inmates to the US, even if Congress objects.... More

Israeli troops have destroyed the homes belonging to two Palestinians for alleged anti-Israeli attacks in the occupied territories.... More

U.S. President Barack Obama has extended for another year the State of National Emergency, declared by former President Bill Clinton against Cuba.... More

Cubans commemorated Wednesday the 121st anniversary of the resumption of the country's independence struggle on February 24th, 1895.... More

Venezuelan authorities investigate the sabotage of an electric grid in Caracas, following denounces by Electric Energy Minister Luis Motta.... More

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says it remains to be seen if the proposed cessation of hostilities in Syria upholds and that the U.S. has a number of "Plan B" options in case a political transition fails to unfold in the Arab country.... More

In Colombia, a political coalition of the majority of parties, has signed a pact to bring peace to the country.... More

An advocacy group says a Palestinian prisoner has entered "unknown territory" with his more than 89-day hunger strike. ... More

The National Assembly of Ecuador began Tuesday arrangements to submit to debate a package of labor reforms, an Executive proposal to protect employment in the country.... More

Thousands of Afghans fleeing violence in their home country have been left stranded in northern Greece after Macedonia barred Afghans from crossing its border.... More

Official delegations from Cuba and the United States met Wednesday in Havana for a technical meeting on cybersecurity.... More

Donald J. Trump was declared the winner of the Nevada caucuses on Tuesday night, gaining a third consecutive victory in an early-voting state and strengthening his position in the Republican camp before the wave of Super Tuesday elections, on March 1.... More

Alas by Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba is revisited at Havana’s Grand Theater Alicia Alonso this weekend ten years after its premier... More

Muriel Bowser, the Mayor of Washington D.C. has praised Cuba's health care system, particularly the countless programs implemented by the Caribbean country to improve health indicators at home, as well as abroad.... More
