Authorities in Afghanistan say more than a dozen people have lost their lives in a U.S. drone strike carried out in the country’s eastern province of Nangarhar.... More

A colloquium dedicated to the 90th birthday of Cuban Revolution Leader Fidel Castro was a big highlight from Friday's activities of the International Book Fair (Cuba 2016).... More

Cuba and Kazakhstan have confirmed their willingness to expand and strengthen political, economic and trade relations between the two countries.... More

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro called on every national sector to work together with the State to boost the Bolivarian Economic Agenda, and accelerate the internal productive apparatus.... More

Nigerian army soldiers have rescued 195 people held hostage by Boko Haram Takfiri terrorists across the country’s northeastern region.... More

Venezuelan Ambassador to Vietnam, Jorge Rondón Uzcátegui

Venezuelan Ambassador to Vietnam, Jorge Rondón Uzcátegui, reaffirmed his government's adherance to a legal and peaceful settlement with Guyana in the dispute over Esequibo territory.... More

The United Nations has warned against involvement by more parties in the Syrian conflict amid calls by Saudi Arabia and Turkey to roll their war machines into the battle-scarred country.... More

Jeanne Seck, Representative of the UNAIDS program in Equatorial Guinea has praised the work of Cuban health professionals in the Central African country and in other parts of the world.... More

The UN special envoy for Syria says the world body wants to expand aid deliveries to more besieged areas in the conflict-stricken country. ... More

The government of Mexico maneuvered to prevent the parents of the 43 missing Ayotzinapa students from meeting with Pope Francis during his recent visit to Mexico, Vidulfo Rosales, attorney of the missing student's relatives, has said.... More

The United States has carried out airstrikes in Libya that killed at least 40 people this morning. The strikes hit a farmhouse outside Sabratha, to the west of the capital Tripoli.... More

Ernesto Samper, general secretary of the Union of South American Nations, Unasur

Ernesto Samper, general secretary of the Union of South American Nations, Unasur, defined as a “democratic statement” next Sunday's referendum in Bolivia, to decide whether or not to reform the Constitution to allow President Evo Morales and Vice President Álvaro García Linera run for another term in the 2019 elections.... More

A Swedish aid group says Afghan forces have killed two patients and a caretaker during an attack on one of its clinics in the central part of the war-torn country.... More

Mexican Immigration authorities in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, at the Mexican border with the United States welcomed a flight with 122 Cubans from Costa Rica.... More

Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian allegedly for attempting to run over soldiers in the occupied West Bank shortly and another young Palestinian died of his wounds in clashes with Israeli troops.... More
