The South Korean Major League Baseball commissioner and representatives of clubs from that nation are starting a visit to Cuba this Friday, reportedly aimed at the signing up of players.... More

The lack of funding hampers the proper development of chess in Cuba, Carlos Rivero, national commissioner of the sport, told local ACN news agency during the National Championship of Chess recently celebrated in the city of Matanzas.... More

Bolivian President Evo Morales emphasized that a victory of the YES vote in next Sunday's referendum will help comply with a patriotic agenda that, among other objectives, plans to get rid of poverty in Bolivia by the year 2025.... More

Ecuador's National Election Council is about to announce the date of the general elections next year, to elect the president, a vice president and the members of Parliament.... More

The Socialist United Party of Venezuela (PSUV) has issued a press release expressing support for the new economic measures that President Nicolás Maduro has announced.... More

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed revenge against those responsible for the Ankara deadly blast that claimed the lives of at least 28 people.... More

Syrian army forces have liberated a village in the northwestern Aleppo Province as they continue their fight against Takfiri militants operating in the country.... More

Antonin Scalia

In the United States, more Senate Republicans have backed Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s pledge to block any nominee President Barack Obama chooses to replace Justice Antonin Scalia.... More

Four U.S. journalists detained in Bahrain earlier this week have now been released following an international outcry.... More

The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul has suspended the use of a larvicide after reports pointed to a potential link between the chemical and the devastating birth defect microcephaly.... More

American tech giant Apple Inc. says it will not unlock an iPhone used by one of the two attackers in San Bernardino, California, as "there is no way to guarantee" the move is limited to this case.... More

U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has come out in defense of the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques, saying: "Torture works." ... More

A British political analyst says London will never compromise on the territorial dispute with Argentina over Malvinas Islands, known as the Falklands to Britons.... More

Director of the U.S. Office of the Cuban Foreign Ministry, Josefina Vidal

The Director of the U.S. Office of the Cuban Foreign Ministry, Josefina Vidal, said that U.S. President Barack Obama will be welcomed to Cuba with the island's traditional hospitality.... More

Peruvian President Ollanta Humala

Ollanta Humala Tasso, President of Peru, arrives Thursday on an official visit to Cuba.... More
