Cuban Minister for Foreign Trade and Investment Rodrigo Malmierca visited the offices of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which represents the interests of more than 3 million U.S. businesses.... More

President Evo Morales' Movement Towards Socialism Party closed its 'YES campaign' in Beni Department. ... More

The United Nations Security Council is holding a closed-door meeting over Turkey’s recurrent artillery bombardment of Kurdish positions on Syrian soil. ... More

A delegation of U.S. Congressmen and women who are visiting Cuba have advocated the lifting of the commercial, economic, and financial blockade imposed and maintained against Cuba for over half a century.... More

The 10th International Conference 'University 2016' continues its session in Havana, with participants debating economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean and the innovative role higher education is called to play to that end.... More

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez, met on Monday with UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, with whom she addressed different international issues, says a Foreign Ministry report.... More

The United Nations has warned that around 49 million people in southern Africa could be affected by drought.... More

A faction within Chile's Movement of the Revolutionary Left, which resisted the brutal Pinochet dictatorship, announced that it has begun the process to become a formal political party.... More

Doctors Without Borders has sharply condemned a deadly aerial attack against its medical facility in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib and said the raid was not “accidental.”... More

Pope Francis has arrived in Morelia, capital of the central state of Michoacan which is considered the birthplace of Mexico's drug war.... More

The abolition of slavery in Cuba 130 years ago was the center of Tuesday's debates at the 25th International Book Fair 'Cuba 2016'.... More

Russian Patriarch Kiril and the Cuban historical leader Fidel Castro

Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro says that fighting for peace is the duty of all human beings.... More

Cuban Foreign Trade and Investment Minister Rodrigo Malmierca begins a four-day working visit to the United States, which includes meetings with local officials, public and private entrepreneurs.... More

Pope Francis took aim at drug cartels and corruption in Mexico during a visit to one of the cities most impacted by the U.S.-backed drug war.... More

Turkey has shelled Kurdish regions in northern Syria for the third consecutive day, saying it will not allow Kurds to take control of the Syrian border town of A’zaz.... More
