Tainan, February 8 (RHC)-- At least four people, including an 8-year-old girl, were rescued Monday from a high-rise Taiwanese apartment building toppled by a powerful quake two days earlier, as frustration grew among families waiting for searchers to reach their buried loved ones. ... More

London, February 8 (RHC)-- A winter storm with hurricane-force winds and huge waves battered Britain's coastline Monday, cutting power to thousands and disrupting travel across the country. ... More

The 11th Esteban Salas Old Music Festival will gather in Havana performers from Cuba, Latin America, Europe and the United States... More

Havana, February 6 (RHC)-- “Cuba is proud and honored to host a meeting between the top leaders of the Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches,” the Cuban Foreign Ministry has said in a communique. It added that the Caribbean country “will do all in its power to facilitate such a historic event.” ... More

Havana, February 6 (RHC-ACN)-- Dr. Stephen Berman, former president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) expressed, in Havana on Friday, his rejection of the U.S. blockade against Cuba, in force for over half a century now, which he described as a problem for both nations.... More

Havana, February 6 (RHC-ACN) The incoming Egyptian Parliament President Ali Abdel-Al received on Thursday in Cairo Cuban ambassador Laureano Rodriguez Castro during an activity ratifying friendship ties between both nations.... More

Havana, February 6 (RHC-ACN) Cuban products that are leaders in the biotechnology field were promoted in Indonesia, mainly Heberprot-P, a new and unique drug prescribed for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer.... More

Havana, February 6 (RHC-ACN) The signing on Thursday of a contract to improve hygienic-sanitary conditions in the municipality of Centro Habana, in this capital, is part of the cooperation projects promoted by the Japanese Embassy in Cuba, Prensa Latina (PL) reported.... More

Port-au-Prince, February 6 (RHC-teleSUR), -- Haitian President Michel Martelly signed an agreement Saturday which includes plans to transfer authority over to a transitional government. ... More

Bogotá, February 6 (RHC-teleSUR), -- Semana magazine revealed Thursday what it believed to be the first case in Colombia of a woman who sought an abortion over fetal malformations possibly caused by a Zika virus infection. ... More

Brasilia, February 6 (RHC-teleSUR), -- Social movements organized under the banner of the Popular Front expressed their “repudiation” of efforts to link former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to a corruption scandal. ... More

Quito, February 6 (RHC-teleSUR), -- Ecuador's National Institute of Statistics and Censuses reported Friday that the country's multidimensional poverty rate dropped 16.5 percent between 2009 and 2015, translating into 1.9 million Ecuadoreans who no longer live in poverty. ... More

Mexico City, February 6 (RHC-teleSUR), -- A collection of Mexican human rights organizations, grassroots groups, and social movements issued a public letter Wednesday to the Mexican Congress to take definitive steps to end the practice of torture in the country, which has been described as “widespread” by the United Nations. ... More

Ramallah, February 6 (RHC)-- Israeli forces have opened fire on two Palestinian minors, killing one and injuring the other. The Palestinian news agency Ma’an says that Israeli troops targeted two Palestinian youth who reportedly attempted to throw Molotov cocktails at vehicles in the town of Halhul north of the city of Hebron.... More

Copenhagen, February 6 (RHC)-- Denmark’s justice minister has admitted that the U.S. sent a rendition flight to Copenhagen Airport that was meant to capture whistleblower Edward Snowden and return him to the United States.... More
