Brussels, February 6 (RHC)-- European officials have unveiled a deal with the United States to allow corporations including Google and Amazon to continue moving user data back and forth overseas. ... More

Baghdad, February 6 (RHC)-- There are hundreds of more American troops in Iraq than formerly declared by Pentagon, a U.S. official says. ... More

Ottawa, February 6 (RHC)-- Canada has announced that it is lifting some sanctions against Iran and is also working on the restoration of diplomatic ties with the Islamic Republic. ... More

Havana, February 5 (RHC)-- Pope Francis and the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, will meet February 12th in Havana during brief stop-over by the Holy Father en route to an official visit to Mexico. ... More

Miami, February 5 (RHC)-- Cuban and U.S. representatives held a technical meeting in the city of Miami on Thursday to address ways to increase bilateral collaboration on migration and the fight against human trafficking. ... More

Bratislava, February 5 (RHC)-- Slovakian President Andrej Kiska met in the country's capital, Bratislava, with visiting Cuban Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas, the Cuban embassy in the European country has reported.... More

Windhoek, February 5 (RHC)-- Cuban Food Industry Minister Maria del Carmen Concepción is paying an official visit to Namibia until Sunday at the invitation of the Namibian Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources Bernard Essau. ... More

New York, February 5 (RHC)-- The Executive Board of the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) has acknowledged Cuba's advances in the fight against HIV/AIDS, particularly the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of the disease.... More

Havana, February 5 (RHC)-- Cuba will once again hold specialized fairs in sectors like hotel services, food, security, packaging and graphic arts aimed at promoting and strengthening trade and investments with the business world. ... More

Havana, February 5 (RHC)-- Cancer is once again the second cause of death in Cuba since 2012 after heart ailments, according to a specialist from the Health Ministry. ... More

Buenos Aires, February 5 (RHC)-- In Argentina, protests are increasing against the new neo-liberal policies of right-wing President Mauricio Macri. One of the country’s top labor unions has called a national strike for February 24th in protest against the wave of public sector jobs lost and the criminalization of demonstrations.... More

La Paz, February 5 (RHC)-- Bolivia's Cabinet Chief Juan Ramon Quintana has criticized the United States for interfering in the internal affairs of the Andean country.... More

Washington, February 5 (RHC)-- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama have announced Plan Colombia 2.0, dubbed “Paz Colombia,” a new US$450 million deal to strengthen so-called security over the next 10 years in the post-conflict era Colombia. ... More

Buenos Aires, February 5 (RHC)-- Argentinean President Mauricio Macri's cabinet met Thursday with several social leaders at the Presidential Palace in Buenos Aires to discuss the release of Milagro Sala, a Parlasur lawmaker and Indigenous activist who founded the Tupac Amaru movement.... More

Kabul, February 5 (RHC)-- At least 18 people have lost their lives when U.S.-led foreign forces carried out a string of drone strikes in Afghanistan's eastern province of Paktika. ... More
