Bogotá, February 3 (RHC)-- Colombian legislator Ángela María Robledo, and the General Secretary of the Episcopal Conference Darío Echeverri have called on the government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) to take the necessary steps towards engaging in official peace negotiations as soon as possible.... More

La Paz, February 3 (RHC)-- Bolivian Minister of Health Ariana Campero has acknowledged the Cuban health brigade for the outstanding worked developed in the Andean country.... More

Malabo, February 3 (RHC)-- Juan Ndong Nguema, Minister of Health and Welfare of Equatorial Guinea has praised Cuba's health achievements and urged strengthened cooperation with the Caribbean state in the sector.... More

Havana, February 3 (RHC)-- The Cuban Health Ministry says that there is no evidence of the Zika virus on the island, while specialists follow all fever syndromes to early detect cases of Zika, Chikungunya or Dengue. ... More

Havana, February 3 (RHC)-- The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Cuban authorities signed two agreements to support technology transfer in the areas of agriculture, food security, nourishment and sustainable management of natural resources in Cuban research and production centers. ... More

Sacramento, February 3 (RHC)-- U.S. wine producers who took part at a forum in Havana called First Symposium of California Wine said they are interested in increasing Exchange with Cuba, despite the US economic blockade of the island. ... More

Havana, February 3 (RHC)-- With the prediction of an increasing number of tourists this year over the 3.5 million received in 2015, the island´s tourism sector improves its infrastructure and services. ... More

Lima, February 3 (RHC-PL) -- Peru's "Solicuba" solidarity organization has announced the International Symposium "Cuba in History," which will open on Thursday at the Congress of Peru with the participation of prominent intellectuals from various countries.... More

Havana, February 3 (RHC-PL) -- Renowned Cuban revolutionary Orlando Fundora Lopez, who served for several years as president of Prensa Latina, has died in Havana at age 89 after a long illness, Granma newspaper reported today.... More

Bogota, February 3 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Former Colombian lawmaker and human right activist Piedad Cordoba raised awareness Tuesday on the longstanding humanitarian crisis that affects the residents of the coastal province of La Guajira, threatening to extinguish the indigenous people of Wayu. ... More

Bogota, February 3 (RHC-teleSUR) -- The Colombian government and the ELN (National Liberation Army) rebels are having a hard time getting peace talks off the ground, with both sides accusing the other of stalling negotiations in the past several days. ... More

Moscow, February 3 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Venezuela’s Minister of Petroleum and Mining and President of the state-run oil company PDVSA, Eulogio del Pino met Boris Ivanov, Vice President of Gazprombank, on Tuesday, in order to discuss the situation of the world oil market and agreed on the possibility of carrying out a joint effort to stabilize the international price of oil. ... More

Geneva, February 3 (RHC)-- The United Nations special envoy for Syria has warned of a total failure of the Syria peace talks as the main opposition coalition announced that it would not attend a planned meeting with the envoy. ... More

Athens, February 3 (RHC)-- Greek farmers have staged a blockade on a main highway leading to the capital, Athens, in protest against proposed tax hikes by the government. Dozens of tractors closed the highway linking Thessaloniki to Athens and traffic came to a standstill for six hours with farmers threatening to extend the protest for 24 hours if necessary. ... More

Ramallah, February 3 (RHC)-- Israeli military forces have abducted at least 17 Palestinians in separate raids across the Palestinian territories. Local media reported that Israeli troops arrested 13 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and four fishermen off the coast of the besieged Gaza Strip on Wednesday. ... More
