Quito, January 26 (RHC) – Foreign Ministers of the 33 member states of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) met in Quito, Ecuador, on Tuesday, to review documents that will be submitted for debate and approval by regional leaders during the bloc's 4th summit.... More

Havana, January 26 (RHC)-- The 2nd International Conference 'With All and for the Good of All' entered its second day of sessions at Havana's Convention Center with a lecture by U.S. political activist, Gloria La Riva.... More

Havana, January 26 (RHC)-- Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Equatorial Guinea, Agapito Emba Mokuy, has confirmed that his country will maintain its stance against Washington's over 50 year-long blockade of Cuba.... More

Tokyo, January 26 (RHC) -- Cuba's Minister for Energy and Mining, Alfredo Lopez Valdes, has called for expanded and strengthened cooperation between this country and Japan in the sector. ... More

Washington, January 26 (RHC), -- The US organization 'Engage Cuba', which advocates the lifting of the U.S. blockade of Cuba, announced the creation of a group of experts to boost relations between the two countries. ... More

Havana, January 26 (RHC)-- Over 40 new foreign investment projects are currently under negotiations with Cuban authorities, as a multi-million dollar business with the Dutch Unilever was recently approved. ... More

Santiago de Cuba, January 26 (RHC)-- The Cuban National Seismologic Network reported a 4.4 quake at 5:59 a.m. Tuesday which was felt in the eastern cities of Santiago de Cuba, Granma and Guantanamo. ... More

Caracas, January 26 (RHC)-- The National Council for Productive Economy of Venezuela has presented President Nicolas Maduro the first proposals to tackle the country's economic emergency. ... More

La Paz, January 26 (RHC)-- Bolivian President Evo Morales is taking part in the celebrations for the 235th anniversary of the Oruro Revolution. As part of the festivities, the Bolivian leader will dedicate a number of social projects in the area, including sports centers, schools and medical centers. ... More

United Nations, January 26 (RHC-teleSUR) -- The United Nations Security Council has agreed on the creation of a political mission to help supervise the definitive cease-fire negotiated between the Colombian government and rebel group FARC. ... More

New York, January 26 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Children fleeing violence in Central America have been subjected to sexual abuse, deprived of food and forced to work without pay by unchecked foster homes in the United States, an AP investigation has revealed. ... More

Mexico City, January 26 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Pope Francis will meet with parents of a group of 43 missing students in February, according to an announcement Monday. ... More

Mexico City, January 26 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Women's rights specialists and activists from around the world gathered at a forum Monday in Merida, the capital of Mexico's state of Yucatan, to discuss the roles of women, especially in the knowledge and innovation economy. ... More

Mexico City, January 26 (RHC-XINHUA) -- After displacing over 100,000 South Americans with severe floods in 2015, the El Nino weather phenomenon is expected to wreak more havoc in the region well into 2016. ... More

Yaoundé, January 26 (RHC)-- Over two dozen people have lost their lives in three bomb attacks targeting a local market in Cameroon’s volatile northern region, a security source says. A police source said that the initial death toll stood at 29, noting that the toll included the three bombers. ... More
