Washington, January 26 (RHC)-- A new analysis by The New York Times finds drug overdoses are driving the death rate of young white adults in the United States to levels not seen since the end of the AIDS epidemic more than two decades ago. ... More

Quito, January 25 (RHC)-- National Coordinators of the 33 member states of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), met Monday in Quito, Ecuador, to review the documents that will be discussed and approved by regional leaders during the bloc's 4th Summit, set for Wednesday.... More

Havana, January 25 (RHC)-- Brazilian theologian Frei Betto delivered the opening remarks at the 2nd International Conference 'With All and for the Good of All', which went into session Monday afternoon in Havana. More than 600 delegates from 45 countries are in attendance.... More

Havana, January 25 (RHC)-- The welcoming ceremony for the 23rd contingent of the South American Solidarity Brigade took place Monday at the Julio Antonio Mella International Camp, located in Caimito, in the western province of Artemisa.... More

Havana, January 25 (RHC)-- Parliament President Esteban Lazo, confirmed Cuba's willingness to further strengthen friendship and cooperation relations with Namibia towards boosting both countries' social and economic development. ... More

Havana, January 25 (RHC)-- Scholars, politicians and several Nobel Peace Prize winners are attending the 2nd International Conference “With All and for the Good of All” in Havana, to reflect on the ideas of Cuban National Hero Jose Marti. ... More

Caracas, January 25 (RHC)-- Nearly 80% of Venezuelans support a socialist economic model, with state and private companies coexisting peacefully, journalist José Vicente Rangel has announced in his TV program 'José Vicente Hoy'.... More

Port-au-Prince, January 25 (RHC)-- In Haiti, Jovenel Moise, presidential candidate for the ruling Farmers' Response Party has called for a new date for the country's run-off elections.... More

Havana, January 25 (RHC)-- On Monday, the United Nations Security Council debated a proposal presented by President Juan Manuel Santos to create a verification mission to monitor an eventual ceasefire between his government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP).... More

Washington, January 25 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama thanked the Cuban government for hosting the peace talks between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces guerrillas. ... More

Paris, January 25 (RHC)-- France's State Secretary for Foreign Trade, Tourism and The French Overseas, Matthias Fekl, said that Cuba and France are now living an historic moment as he addressed the annual gala of the Cuba-Cooperation Association in Paris. ... More

Geneva, January 25 (RHC)-- UN Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, said Monday the new date for the start of long-awaited peace talks on the conflict in Syria is Friday, January 29th. ... More

Tegucigalpa, January 25 (RHC)-- A former Honduran minister has been shot dead by gunmen, police say. A statement from Honduras' Police Department released to the media on Sunday confirmed the incident, adding that the gunmen escaped the scene in La Ceiba about 400 kilometers north of the country's capital, Tegucigalpa. ... More

London, January 25 (RHC)-- Britain's Labour Party leader has expressed support for a power-sharing deal with Argentina over the disputed Malvinas Islands, according to reports from London. ... More

Managua, January 25 (RHC)-- Thirteen Costa Rican tourists have died in a boat accident off the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua due to bad weather, officials say. The incident occurred over the weekend when the boat carrying 32 tourists turned over as it was travelling between the Corn Islands, which is a popular tourist destination. ... More
