Bogota, January 19 (RHC-PL) -- Colombian Justice Minister Yesid Reyes announced Monday that 16 rebel prisoners will be set free this week, benefiting from a presidential pardon approved for a group of 30 members of the FARC-EP. ... More

Guatemala, January 19 (RHC-PL) -- Guatemala will host a regional meeting on Tuesday to discuss the issue of Cuban migrants in Costa Rica and assess the results of the transfer of the first group of migrants to the United States, a Foreign Ministry source has reported. ... More

Bogota, January 19 (RHC-PL) -- The European Union envoy for peace talks, Eamon Gilmore, Monday began a five-day visit to Colombia to meet with post-conflict minister, Rafael Pardo, the defense minister, Congress members and constituents.... More

Petiónville, January 19 (RHC)-- Cuba has assumed the rotating presidency of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), in the framework of the 21st ordinary Meeting of the organization's Council of Ministers, which is holding sessions in the suburb of Petiónville of the Haitian capital.... More

Mexico City, January 19 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Mexican actress Kate del Castillo will be called to testify next week on her meeting with drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, who was captured January 8, six months after his escape from prison. ... More

Havana, January 19 (RHC)-- Ernesto Samper, General Secretary of the Union of South American Countries (UNASUR) has announced his coming to Havana to attend an international conference on Cuba's National Hero José Martí, set for January 25th through the 28th.... More

Madrid, January 19 (RHC)-- The Communist Party of Spain has awarded its Dolores Ibárruri Medal to Heroes of the Republic of Cuba, Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, René González, Fernando Gonzalez and Antonio Guerrero calling them symbols of the dignity and resistance against injustice that have always characterized the Cuban nation and people.... More

Washington, January 19 (RHC-teleSUR) -- The United States deported 133 Hondurans Monday, bringing the total number of Honduran deportees in this year to nearly 1,000.... More

Paris, January 19 (RHC-PL) -- Cuban representatives are attending an international Symposium on Educational Policies at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris.... More

Hanoi, January 19 (RHC-PL) – Cuba and Vietnam are exchanging experiences in cancer treatment. ... More

Islamabad, January 19 (RHC)-- At least six paramilitary soldiers were killed and one was wounded when a powerful explosion targeted an army patrol in the Pakistan’s southwestern city of Quetta. ... More

Havana, January 19 (RHC-PL) -- Participants from Brazil, Venezuela, Italy and the United States are to take part in the 10th Nicolas Guillen International Music and Poetry Festival and Colloquium. The event is from March 22nd to the 24th and will also include national speakers Dr. María del Carmen Barcia, Dr. Reynaldo Sanchez Porro, and poet and researcher Waldo Leyva. ... More

Ramallah, January 19 (RHC)-- A young Palestinian has lost his life after an Israeli settler in a car ran over him in the West Bank amid relentless tensions in the occupied Palestinian territories.... More

Kabul, January 19 (RHC)-- Security officials in Afghanistan say at least nine police officers have been killed by assailants in police uniforms in the country’s central province of Uruzgan. ... More

Abuja, January 19 (RHC)-- Fifty-five Nigerians, including former ministers, governors, business leaders and public officials, have stolen nine billion dollars in public funds in seven years, according to the country's information minister. ... More
