Abuja, November 18 (RHC)-- More than 30 people have lost their lives and 80 more sustained injuries in an explosion that ripped through a market in the northeastern Nigerian city of Yola. The bomb was detonated beside a main road in a crowded market in Adamawa's provincial capital on Tuesday evening, but it was not immediately clear whether it was caused by an improvised explosive device or an explosive-laden vest worn by a terrorist. ... More

Buenos Aires, November 18 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Latin American intellectuals, political officials as well as leaders from various social movements issued their support for Argentine presidential candidate Daniel Scioli of the ruling Front for Victory party leading up to country’s national elections on Sunday.... More

Paris, November 18 (RHC)-- In France, at least seven people have been detained and two have been killed after a series of gun battles and a police raid on an apartment in a northern suburb of Paris. ... More

London, November 18 (RHC)-- Reports from London say British armed forces have evacuated Tooting Broadway London underground station following a security alert. ... More

Gaza City, November 18 (RHC)-- Israeli fighter jets have reportedly carried out airstrikes against two areas in the besieged Gaza Strip. The Israeli air raids hit areas in the northern and central parts of the Palestinian enclave late on Tuesday night, Israeli and Palestinian sources said. ... More

Washington, November 18 (RHC)-- In the wake of last Friday’s attacks in Paris, governors of at least 27 U.S. states have said they will not accept Syrian refugees. ... More

Paris, November 18 (RHC)-- Environmentalists are vowing to press ahead with peaceful protests planned to coincide with the United Nations climate talks in Paris, which begin in just under two weeks. ... More

Washington, November 18 (RHC)-- The U.S. has carried out a third flight test of a newly upgraded nuclear free-fall bomb at the Tonopah Test Range in the state of Nevada which it says shows the nation's "continued commitment to security." ... More

Madrid, November 18 (RHC)-- A Spanish judge has issued an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and seven other former and current Israeli officials over the deadly 2010 Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla. ... More

Oslo, November 18 (RHC)-- The Norwegian oil company Statoil has announced that it is ending its Arctic oil drilling program, even though its stakes in the Arctic don’t expire until 2020. ... More

Manila, November 18 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama faced protests over the role of the U.S. military as he arrived in the Philippines for the APEC summit. ... More

London, November 18 (RHC)-- New research shows that a quarter of people who are diagnosed with cancer after going to the Accidents and Emergency (A&E) departments in London are dead within two months. ... More

Panama City, November 18 (RHC)-- A 70-member Cuban delegation will participate at the 13th International Forum of Economists on Integration, Globalization and Development Problems to take place next week in Panama City. ... More

Sports News Roundup November 18

The Cuban government has said "yes'' to baseball and boxing games in Pittsburgh next summer, according to Mike Diven, who is in Cuba to arrange the event. Diven held a press conference on Wednesday at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba in Havana.... More

Washington, November 18 (RHC)-- Some 37 percent of men and women in the U.S. are interested in traveling to Cuba in the future, according to a survey by Switchfly agency, specialized in the tourist sector. ... More
