Paris, December 23 (RHC)-- France has rejected 3,414 refugees from its borders since a state of emergency was introduced in the wake of the November terrorist attacks in Paris, when 130 people were killed. ... More

United Nations, December 23 (RHC)-- The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has criticized Saudi Arabia for carrying out a "disproportionate amount" of attacks on civilian areas in Yemen. ... More

Ramallah, December 23 (RHC)-- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says his government is set to change the name it uses on passports from Palestinian Authority to the State of Palestine. ... More

Brussels, December 23 (RHC)-- The number of refugees who have entered Europe this year has topped one million. The International Organization for Migration said the tally marks a fourfold increase over last year. According to reports, it’s the greatest exodus of people since World War II. ... More

New York, December 23 (RHC)-- Human Rights Watch has called for the U.S. military bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz to be investigated as a possible criminal act. ... More

London, December 23 (RHC)-- U.S. authorities have refused to let a British Muslim family board a UK flight to Los Angeles, amid Washington’s Islamophobic policies. ... More

Lima, December 23 (RHC)-- A Chinese naval hospital ship has docked at a South American port where it is expected to carry out 2,000 free procedures during its seven-day stay. ... More

Havana, December 23 (RHC)-- With deep sorrow and indignation, the Cuban Arab Association condemned the assassination of legendary Lebanese combatant of Hezbola Samir Al Kantar during attacks carried out by an Israeli raid against a residential area in the city of Jaramana, in Damascus. ... More

Havana, December 23 (RHC-PL) -- For the sixth consecutive year, Cuba is expected to close 2015 with an infant mortality rate below five per one thousand live births... More

Havana, December 23 (RHC)-- A ceremony took place at the Havana-headquarters of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) to celebrate the 24th anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan. ... More

New Video Games Presented in Cuba

Havana, December 23 (RHC-PL) -- New video games will be presented to Cuban children, with messages carrying ecological, cultural and social values, Cuban newspaper Granma reported Tuesday. ... More

Quito, December 23 (PL-RHC)-- Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa denounced the U.S. oil company OXY seeks to impose a clause that would allow it to continue to sue Ecuador, after the payment of a fine imposed on the South American country by an arbitration tribunal.... More

Buenos Aires, December 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Argentinian military police used clubs and water cannons against workers occupying a busy Buenos Aires highway on Tuesday, the fifth day of their protest over unpaid wages. ... More

Bogotá, December 23 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos assured Colombians Tuesday that the Special Tribunal for Peace – which will be in charge of prosecuting or granting amnesty to those involved in war crimes after a peace deal with the FARC(Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) will not result in a “witch hunt.” ... More

Mexico City, December 23 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Mexico has approved the first comprehensive plan for reparations to one of the families of the victims of the Ayotzinapa case, the infamous attack on September 26, 2014 when police opened fire on protesters and arrested 43 students who were later disappeared. ... More
