United Nations, December 22 (RHC)-- Speaking before the UN Security Council on Monday, UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres said people who reject Syrian refugees are the "best allies" of extremists like the self-proclaimed Islamic State. ... More

Stockholm, December 22 (RHC)-- Sweden's state-owned railway operator SJ has said it would halt its passenger services to and from Denmark because it is unable to carry out the identity checks demanded by the government to stem an influx of refugees. ... More

Brussels, December 22 (RHC)-- Major European banks are poised for massive job cuts as part of their plans to find more savings in 2016. At least 10 European banks have already announced 130,000 job cuts since June. However, investors and analysts believe the banking industry needs to slash more jobs to raise profits. ... More

New York, December 22 (RHC)-- Muslim leaders in the United States are unveiling initiatives in an effort to tackle Islamophobia, which has particularly peaked in the country due to anti-Islam statements by GOP candidate Donald trump. ... More

Richmond, December 22 (RHC)-- In Richmond, California, police have arrested a white man accused of building homemade explosive devices in order to bomb local Muslims. ... More

Sports News Roundup December 22

Cuban GM Lázaro Bruzón had the best system to break the tie and win the Carlos Torre Memorial chess tournament, which ended on Monday in Merida, Mexico.... More

Asunción, December 22 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Thousands of Paraguayan workers protested on Monday to demand higher wages and better conditions.... More

Asunción, December 22 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Bolivian President Evo Morales has called on member countries of MERSOCUR to join together to ward off the destabilizing effects of the world financial crisis.... More

Brasilia, December 22 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Brazilian authorities said Monday they had discovered a small submarine packed full of cocaine.... More

Caracas, December 22 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan authorities have launched a media campaign aim to mitigate the effects of El Niño, which is the cause of severe problems throughout South America including drought and water scarcity in northern Venezuela.... More

Buenos Aires, December 22 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Argentina will restart talks in January with holdout creditors commonly referred to as the vulture funds, a negotiator said Monday.... More

Managua, December 22 (RHC-teleSUR) -- The Nicaraguan government said Monday it is prepared to admit defeat and open dialogue with Costa Rican officials over a long-standing border dispute. ... More

Brasilia, December 22 (RHC-teleSUR)-- The leader of Brazil's Chamber of Deputies Eduardo Cunha said Monday that the impeachment process against President Dilma Rousseff will take place in 2016, as there are still some areas that need clarification. ... More

Panama City, December 22 (RHC-teleSUR)-- Former Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli, who served as president from 2009 to 2014, has been accused of embezzlement, insider trading and using public funds to spy on his rivals.... More

Port au Prince, December 22 (RHC-teleSUR)-- Haiti's electoral authority has postponed a presidential runoff vote scheduled for this weekend.... More
