Brasilia, December 5 (teleSUR-RHC)-- President Dilma Rousseff called on the public to fight for democracy in Brazil, calling the efforts to have her impeached a “coup” attempt against her government. ... More

Sao Paulo, December 5 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A Brazilian Judge suspended a controversial measure on Friday that would have resulted in the closure of around 93 schools affecting more then 300,000 students across the state of Sao Paulo. ... More

Santiago de Chile, December 5 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Chilean Supreme Court sentenced Friday three former secret agents who worked for the former dictator Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990) for the murder of a theology student and activist in 1978. ... More

Caracas, December 5 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Viviana has just awakened from life-saving abdominal surgery. The night before, her stomach filled with blood as a result of an infection. She was rushed into the Salvador Allende healthcare center in Caracas. The center is part of Venezuela’s Barrio Adentro Mission, which means that although she will stay in intensive care for several days, and then undergo rehabilitation therapies, she will not have to pay a cent.... More

Malabo, December 4 (RHC)-- The Minister of Health and Social Welfare of Equatorial Guinea Juan Ndong Nguema has thanked the Cuban government and people for Cuba's health cooperation with his country, ever since the sub-Saharan African country achieved its independence in 1968.... More

Washington, December 4 (RHC)-- Cuba and the United States have advanced negotiations on civil aviation, involving the flagship airlines of the two countries and aimed at restoring scheduled airline service. ... More

Cairo, December 4 (RHC)-- At least 18 people have been killed and several others wounded in a firebomb attack at a restaurant in the Egyptian capital of Cairo, security officials say. ... More

Brasilia, December 4 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Brazilian Supreme Court has rejected two appeals against the process to impeach the country’s president, Dilma Rouseff. The process was begun by Chamber of Deputies President Eduardo Cunha and other opposition representatives.... More

Ramallah, December 4 (RHC)-- In Israel and the Occupied Territories, Israeli soldiers have shot and killed two Palestinians they say were involved in stabbing and wounding a soldier in the Occupied West Bank city of Hebron Friday. The killings came one day after Israeli police in Jerusalem shot and killed two more Palestinians whom they say had carried out non-fatal attacks on Israeli authorities. ... More

Berlin, December 4 (RHC)-- Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in the German capital, Berlin, to voice their anger at the German government's plans for further involvement -- including committing armed forces -- in a U.S.-led coalition purportedly fighting the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group in Syria. ... More

Sanaa, December 4 (RHC)-- In Yemen, Doctors Without Borders has accused the U.S.-backed Saudi-led coalition of bombing its mobile clinic in Taiz, injuring nine people, including two staff members. ... More

Mogadishu, December 4 (RHC)-- In Somalia, a journalist was killed when a bomb planted under the seat of her car exploded Thursday. Hindia Haji Mohamed was a producer and reporter for the state-run media outlets Radio Mogadishu and Somali National TV. ... More

Athens, December 4 (RHC)-- Greece's biggest workers' unions have staged a 24-hour-long strike against drastic pension cuts planned by the government, bringing public services to a standstill across the country. ... More

Paris, December 4 (RHC)-- Nearly three weeks after the Paris attacks, France has drawn up a draft law to extend state of emergency for up to six months from the current three-month limit. According to reports from Paris, the proposed change to France's constitution says exceptional measures adopted during a state of emergency could be prolonged "for a maximum period of six months" after the expiration of the original state of emergency. ... More

La Paz, December 4 (RHC)-- Bolivian Minister of Health Ariana Campero said her country will be forever grateful to Cuba for its health cooperation, which she added is the result of the strong friendship and solidarity ties between the two governments and peoples.... More
