Havana, December 3 (RHC)-- Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), has sent the Cuban government and people a congratulatory message for Cuba's health cooperation with other peoples of the world.... More

London, December 3 (RHC)-- The United Kingdom has reportedly carried out its first bombing of Daesh (ISIL) positions in Syria after the government won a parliamentary debate on an air campaign against the Takfiri militant group. The move followed a 10-hour debate held on Wednesday, with some 397 MPs voting in favor of the plan while 223 voted against the UK extending its airstrikes on Daesh targets from Iraq into Syria. ... More

Caracas, December 3 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is delivering the 900,000th house built under a state-led initiative to provide housing to the most needy Venezuelans on Thursday. ... More

Washington, December 3 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has welcomed the British vote in a statement, saying: "Since the beginning of the counter-ISIL campaign the United Kingdom has been one of our most valued partners in fighting ISIL. We look forward to having British forces flying with the Coalition over Syria, and will work to integrate them into our Coalition Air Tasking Orders as quickly as possible." ... More

London, December 3 (RHC)-- Analysts say Britain could have to face serious backlashes if it launches air strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria. ... More

Ramallah, December 3 (RHC)-- Israeli forces have razed the home of a Palestinian man in the West Bank after demolishing another Palestinian house in the region in their latest string of violence in the occupied territories. ... More

San Bernardino, December 3 (RHC)-- In San Bernardino, California, two shooters opened fire at a social services center, killing 14 people and wounding at least 17. Two suspects, identified as married couple Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, were later killed by police. ... More

New Delhi, December 3 (RHC)-- In India, catastrophic flooding in the southern city of Chennai has killed at least 269 people and cut off basic services for more than three million people as the army and air force continue rescue operations. The flooding is being described as the worst in more than a century. ... More

London, December 3 (RHC)-- Amnesty International is warning that, in Saudi Arabia, fifty people including pro-democracy activists and a prominent Palestinian poet are facing an imminent mass execution. ... More

Kabul, December 3 (RHC)-- New Afghan government documents show that an elite CIA-trained Afghan force has killed at least six civilians during recent home raids in Khost province. ... More

Washington, December 3 (RHC)-- The Pentagon has wasted millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money on luxurious private villas for government staff in Afghanistan, a congressional watchdog reveals. ... More

Sports News Roundup December 03

Pinar del Rio defeated the leader and current monarch Ciego de Avila by a score of 7 to 0 to score its 4th consecutive victory in the continuation of the pending challenges of the 1st round of the 55th Cuban Baseball Championship.... More

Caracas, December 3 (teleSUR-RHC)-- President Nicolas Maduro opened Venezuela's first Yutong bus plant ahead of the national assembly elections this weekend.... More

Brasilia, December 3 (RHC)-- In Brazil, the Congress has opened impeachment proceedings against President Dilma Rousseff amid a growing corruption scandal that has rocked the government.... More

Havana, December 3 (RHC)-- Governor of the U.S. State of Texas, Greg Abbott, has came out against Washington's over 50 year-long blockade policy towards Cuba. The Republican governor concluded on Wednesday a three-day working visit to Cuba, aimed at exploring business opportunities. ... More
