Castries, December 3 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Officials of Saint Lucia's only water company WASCO along with representatives of the government and the Caribbean Development Bank, have broken ground on two projects they say will provide a reliable and climate-resilient water supply to over 100,000 nationals.... More

San José, December 3 (RHC)-- Costa Rican President Luis Guillermo Solís has announced that he will pay an official visit to Cuba December 15th and 16th, aimed at strengthening ties.... More

Brussels, December 3 (RHC)-- Cuba and the European Union have announced advances in trade cooperation. The sixth round of negotiations concerning the political dialogue and cooperation agreement was held December 1st and 2nd in Brussels, Belgium. The issue has been under negotiation by the two parties since April last year.... More

Mexico City, December 3 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Leaders from Tlahuitoltepec’s indigenous Mixe community in Mexico vowed Wednesday that they will continue to challenge a French designer for appropriating and trademarking their ancestral embroidery.... More

Paris, December 3 (RHC)-- Cuban civil society has demanded that world leaders, gathered in Paris for the UN Climate Change Summit, agree on an internationally binding agreement on environmental protection.... More

Mexico City, December 3 (PL-RHC)-- Mexico was unanimously elected to chair the 20 Conference of States Parties to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons which is based in The Hague, Netherlands.... More

Caracas, December 3 (PL-RHC)-- Venezuelan Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace, Gustavo Gonzales, presented on Wednesday conclusive evidence on the case of the murder of Luis Diaz, leader of the opposition party Democratic Action (AD).... More

Caracas, December 3 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A line has formed in front of the Mercal state supermarket in San Martin, Caracas. Ester Vergara has come prepared, reading a newspaper as she queues. She has been there for four hours having arrived at six in the morning, waiting for her turn to enter.... More

Brasilia, December 3 (PL-RHC)-- The leader of the Brazilian Deputy Chamber, Eduardo Cunha, accepted Wednesday to open a political trial against Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, as a result from an accusation to the Brazilian President because of possible irregularities in the public accounts, occurred last year.... More

Washington, December 2 (RHC)-- The second technical meeting regarding illegal drug trafficking between law enforcement agencies from Cuba and the U.S., with the aim of exchanging ideas about ways of increasing bilateral cooperation in this area, was held on the U.S. capital on Tuesday, December 1st. The meeting was conducted in a respectful and professional atmosphere.... More

Havana, December 2 (RHC)-- Cubans are today commemorating the 59th anniversary of the historic landing of the Granma expeditionary force on December 2nd, 1956. ... More

Havana, December 2 (RHC) -- Director for Higher Education of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Nabeed Hussain Shah thanked Cuba for its cooperation in the field of health, particularly the training of young Pakistani health professionals, who return home after graduating and offer their services to their people.... More

Santiago de Cuba, December 2 (RHC)-- More than 150 representatives from several Chilean companies are participating in a seminar on business opportunities in Cuba. The meeting is in the context of a visit by a Cuban business delegation to the South American country.... More

Malabo, December 2 (RHC)-- The President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Equatorial Guinea Juan Carlos Ondo Angue departed Tuesday from Malabo, the country's capital, for a working visit to Cuba.... More

Holguin, December 2 (RHC)-- Heroes of the Republic of Cuba Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Rene Gonzalez, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González visited the eastern province of Holguin, where they toured the municipality of Biran -- the birthplace of Cuban Revolution Leader Fidel Castro and President Raúl Castro.... More
