Ramallah, November 17 (RHC)-- Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian citizen and arrested two others during fresh clashes in the occupied West Bank.... More

By Arnie Coro, radio amateur CO2KK Hi amigos radioaficionados all around the world , now listening to this middle of the week edition of your favorite radio hobby program... Yes, this is Dxers Unlimited coming to you from Radio Havana Cuba, via short wave and also available from our website www.radiohc.cu providing streaming audio at the proper bitrate for easy listening . Solar flux hovering around 100 units, and the A Index , planetary geomagnetic disturbance indicate above normal at near 15 units.... More

Havana, November 17 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro visited the French embassy in Havana to sign the book of condolences for the victims of the terrorist attacks carried out last Friday in Paris. ... More

Havana, November 17 (RHC)-- Three million foreign tourists picked the island as their holiday destination so far this year, which translates into an 18 percent growth compared to a similar period of 2014, according to the Cuban Tourism Ministry. ... More

Havana, November 17 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez extended Cuba's sympathies to his Lebanese counterpart Gebran Bassil for the 44 victims of a terrorist attack perpetrated in a southern neighborhood of Beirut. ... More

Havana, November 17 (RHC)-- Cuba and the United States are presenting on Tuesday the results of a joint study research on the preservation of sharks, during the 10th Congress of Marine Sciences which focuses on the conservation of the sea surrounding the island and the fishing of marine species. ... More

Sports News Roundup November 17

The Cuban national baseball team will play 19 regular-season games in the independent Can-Am League next year.... More

Caracas, November 17 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The president of the Venezuela's National Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, strongly criticized the actions of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) that arrested two Venezuelan nationals in Haiti, classifying it as a kidnapping.... More

Damascus, November 17 (RHC)-- An alliance of Kurdish and Arab forces has recaptured a large area in northeast Syria from the Takfiri terrorist group Daesh. A spokesman for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that “between October 30 and November 13, an area of 1,362 square kilometers (545 square miles) was cleansed of IS (Daesh).” ... More

United Nations, November 17 (RHC)-- The United Nations has censured Israel for using excessive force and carrying out summary executions against Palestinians as the regime continues its acts of aggression in the occupied territories. ... More

Antalya, November 17 (RHC)-- Russian President Vladimir Putin says financing for the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group comes from dozens of countries, including some G-20 member states. Speaking at a press briefing after the G-20 summit of world leaders in the Turkish Mediterranean coastal city of Antalya on Monday, Putin said that the Daesh terrorists have been receiving funds from 40 countries. ... More

Paris, November 17 (RHC)-- France is sending its nuclear-powered Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier to “totally eliminate” the Daesh Takfiri terrorists, says French President Francois Hollande. The carrier will leave for the Middle East on Thursday and such a move will “triple our military power,” said Hollande during a parliament emergency meeting in Versailles on Monday. He added: “I am not talking about deterring the Daesh but about eliminating it totally." ... More

Washington, November 17 (RHC)-- In the U.S. states of Alabama and Michigan, authorities have said they will refuse to resettle any Syrian refugees in the wake of the attacks on Paris. ... More

Baghdad, November 17 (RHC)-- In Iraq, two mass graves containing scores of bodies have been found in the area of Sinjar, after Iraqi Kurdish forces said they had reclaimed the area from the self-proclaimed Islamic State. ... More

Munich, November 17 (RHC)-- A former German secret service agent accused of treason has admitted to spying for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), telling a court he had done so out of dissatisfaction with his job. ... More
