Tel Aviv, November 13 (RHC)-- The Israeli regime is ready to demolish five homes belonging to Palestinians who Tel Aviv accuses of carrying out anti-Israeli attacks. Israel's Supreme Court on Thursday allowed the destruction of the houses, three of which are situated in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus. The other two residences are in the Qalandiya refugee camp near Ramallah, also in the West Bank.... More

Washington, November 13 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has rejected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's suggestion to discuss Washington's recognition of Israeli rule over the occupied Golan Heights, according to the white House. ... More

Stockholm, November 13 (RHC)-- Sweden has reinstated temporary border checks in a bid to deal with a record influx of refugees. Swedish officials said on Thursday that a surge in new arrivals is threatening public order in the Nordic country. ... More

New York, November 13 (RHC)-- Student protests are sweeping across the United States. On Thursday, students on more than 100 college campuses rallied from coast to coast against institutional racism, as well as against mounting student debt. ... More

Washington, November 13 (RHC)-- Several professors canceled classes at the historically Black college of Howard University in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, after someone claiming to be a University of Missouri student made a violent threat against Howard students. ... More

Rome, November 13 (RHC)-- The Italy-Cuba Friendship Association announced it has collected 1,000 euros to be donated to assist Cuban children with different types of cancer.... More

Sports News Roundup November 13

Cuban Left hander Yoanni Yera will open the game against Chinese Taipei tomorrow, Saturday, in the next to the last day of the qualifying phase of Group A of WBSC Premier 12 Baseball Tournament. ... More

Mexico City, November 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- At least 15 students from the Ayotzinapa teacher-training college were detained and 20 injured in attacks by state police in the southern Mexican state of Guerrero late Wednesday.... More

Montevideo, November 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The general strike is not directed against the government but rather aims to deepen the changes proposed in 2004 and 2005, said Daniel Diverio, general secretary of the National Construction Union of Uruguay (SUNCA) and the country's union federation PIT-CNT... More

Brasilia, November 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Brazilian government announced on Wednesday that it granted permanent residency to 43,781 Haitian immigrants who entered the country illegally during the past five years. ... More

Bogotá, November 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Colombiam President Juan Manuel Santos on Thursday rejected the possibility of holding a constituent assembly in efforts to solidify a peace deal between the Colombian government and rebel forces.... More

Quito, November 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- In a statement released Wednesday, Ecuador’s governing party, Alianza PAIS, rejected the “latest political intervention against the government of Ecuador by the U.S.-based organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) in its report released on November 10, 2015.”... More

La Paz, November 13 (PL-RHC)-- The presidential pardon issued by President Evo Morales last July has benefited 4,118 prisoners in Bolivia so far, Cambio state journal reported on Thursday.... More

Port-Au-Prince, November 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The country is going through its second day of anti-government protests, after the opposition rejected the presidential and legislative election results announced a week ago. ... More

Havana, November 12 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro presided over a political and cultural gala Wednesday in Havana, marking the 40th anniversary of Angola's independence. ... More
