Guatemala City, October 30 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The president-elect of Guatemala, Jimmy Morales, pledged Wednesday to extend the mandate of the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala for a further six years. The current mandate for CICIG ends in 2017.... More

Madrid, October 29 (RHC)-- Nearly 40 refugees have gone missing after their boat capsized off the coast of Morocco in the Mediterranean Sea.... More

Economic Update October 29

In Santa Cruz del Norte, Mayabeque province, Cuba’s Western Oil Drilling and Extraction Enterprise reached 1 million tons of crude oil thus far this year, a result of investments undertaken and the use of new techn... More

Havana, October 29 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro met at the Palace of the Revolution Wednesday with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who is paying an official visit to Cuba.... More

Geneva, October 29 (RHC)-- Cuba has called on the U.S. government to respect the will of the international community, expressed Tuesday at the UN General Assembly, where 191 out of 193 member states demanded the lifting of Washington's blockade policy towards Cuba.... More

Luanda, October 29 (RHC)-- Cuban Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas met in Luanda Wednesday with several Angolan ministers. Cabrisas is on a 48-hour visit to Angola, aimed at strengthening bilateral economic relations.... More

Tehran, October 29 (RHC)-- The government of Iran has expressed a willingness to offer scholarships to Cubans interested in learning Farsi, considered the most widely spoken Persian language. ... More

Miami, October 29 (RHC)-- The José Martí Alliance and other organizations of Cuban immigrants in the United States, have called for a protest demonstration this coming Sunday, November 1st, in Miami, to demand the immediate lifting of Washington's over 50 year-old blockade against Cuba.... More

Sports News roundup October 29

Determined to break the tie of last Wednesday, the Cuba's and Costa Rica's Sub-17 years-old women's soccer teams will play the 2nd and last friendly match with headquarters at the capital's Pedro Marrero National Stadium.... More

Damascus, October 29 (RHC)-- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has once again harshly criticized some regional and Western states for their support of terrorist groups operating in the country. Assad made the remarks during a meeting with a French parliamentary delegation headed by Jean-Frederic Poisson, the leader of the Christian Democratic Party, in the Syrian capital Damascus on Wednesday. ... More

Quito, October 29 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa took on a group of three economists who are opposed to his government's policies in a televised debate on Wednesday, which boiled down to a discussion between the neo-liberal economic policies of previous governments and the socialist policies of Correa's government.... More

Moscow, October 29 (RHC)-- Russia says its fighter jets have hit 118 targets belonging to terrorists across Syria over the past 24 hours, recording the highest daily tally since the Kremlin began its anti-terror air campaign in the Arab state.... More

Brussels, October 29 (RHC)-- The United States and its allies are said to be increasing troops stationed in countries bordering Russia by deploying up to 4,000 more forces. Quoting anonymous U.S. officials, The Wall Street Journal made the announcement in a Wednesday report. ... More

Abuja, October 29 (RHC)-- Nigerian soldiers have rescued over 330 people, mainly women and children, held hostage by Takfiri Boko Haram terrorist group in a large military operation in the country’s troubled northeastern state of Borno. ... More

Tokyo, October 29 (RHC)-- The Japanese government has resumed the controversial expansion of a U.S. base on Okinawa Island in a move that is set to trigger more and more protests by area residents. ... More
