Rome, October 26 (RHC)-- Thousands of anti-war protesters in Italy and Spain have taken to streets to express opposition to war games conducted in their respective countries by the U.S.-led NATO military alliance. ... More

Berlin, October 26 (RHC)-- Germany has launched an investigation into a new case of alleged spying by the U.S. National Security Agency, a report says. The probe was launched by Germany's federal prosecutors against unknown persons over "espionage activities," Germen news Magazine Der Spiegel reported on Saturday. ... More

Buenos Aires, October 26 (PL-RHC)-- Daniel Scioli, of the Front for Victory (FpV, in Spanish), and Mauricio Macri, from the alliance of the right wing "Cambiemos" (Let's Change), will be the two candidates to compete in the second round of Argentina's presidential elections on November 22nd.... More

Port-au-Prince, October 26 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Polls closed Sunday in widely anticipated elections in Haiti, amid vows by authorities to reign in violence that had marred previous elections.... More

Bogota, October 26 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Polls opened in Colombian local elections on Sunday with nearly 33 million people eligible to vote.... More

Bogotá, October 26 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Hundreds of former Colombian nationals are fighting alongside Saudi Arabian-led forces in Yemen, according to reports Sunday.... More

Bridgetown, October 26 (CARIBBEAN NEWS-RHC)-- The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has approved a technical assistance grant to Belize to help make the country’s water sector less vulnerable to climate change impacts.... More

Santo Domingo, October 26 (RHC)-- Some 97 people have died so far this year from dengue in the Dominican Republic, Collective Health director Jose Manuel Puello said.... More

Moscow, October 26 (PL-RHC)-- Russia assesses the impact in its economic relations with Latin America of the transpacific trade agreement signed recently between the United States and 11 other nations relations, according to diplomatic sources.... More

United Nations, October 26 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez is in New York for the UN General Assembly vote on the Cuban-sponsored resolution on the necessity to end economic, commercial and financial blockade that Washington has maintains against the island. ... More

Havana, October 26 (RHC)-- Cuba's Cupet Oil Company stressed the importance of attracting foreign investment to increase drilling projects and achieve larger oil production. ... More

Windhoek, October 26 (RHC)-- Namibian President Hage Geingob met with visiting Cuban Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment Ileana Nuñez. ... More

Lafayette, October 26 (RHC)-- Purdue's College of Agriculture in the U.S. state of Indiana has added Cuba to its study abroad program and will coordinate a trip here in March next year. ... More

Havana, October 26 (RHC-PL) -- On Sunday, November 1st, Cuba will re-establish normal time, the National Office for the Rational Use of Energy (Onure) announced. At one o'clock in the morning next Sunday, clocks should be set back one hour, according to the Cuban News Agency. ... More

Havana, October 26 (RHC-PL) -- National and foreign participants of the Radio and TV Convention in Cuba gave the last touches to the expofair that starts Monday and runs to October 30th in Havana. Specialists in audiovisual and radiophonic productions of over 35 countries are part of the delegation attending the event, organizers said.... More
