Geneva, October 21 (RHC)-- Amid a wave of Israeli-Palestinian violence, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, adopted a resolution on Wednesday condemning Israeli handling of Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque. ... More

Ramallah, October 21 (RHC)-- Israeli forces have killed two more Palestinians near the city of Hebron in southern West Bank as the Palestinian death toll in the ongoing violence in the occupied territories rises. Israeli media claimed on Tuesday that the two Palestinians had been killed following attempted knife attacks. ... More

Moscow, October 21 (RHC)-- The Russian Foreign Ministry has called plans by Estonia to expand an airbase to provide more space for NATO aircraft as "provocative." ... More

Washington, October 21 (RHC)-- The United States has deployed a number of attack aircraft to an airbase in southern Turkey, a US military official says. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP on Tuesday that 12 A-10 ground-attack planes arrived at Incirlik over the weekend. ... More

Vatican City, October 21 (RHC)-- The Vatican on Wednesday categorically denied a report in an Italian newspaper that Pope Francis has a small, curable brain tumor, saying he is in good health and that his head is "absolutely perfect." ... More

Bratislava, October 21 (RHC)-- Slovenia has called in the army as refugees fleeing violence in their home countries are streaming across Slovenian territory in a bid to reach northern Europe as winter approaches. ... More

Washington, October 21 (RHC)-- U.S. Vice President Joe Biden announced Wednesday he will not pursue a 2016 presidential bid, bringing an end to weeks of speculation over whether or not he would shake up the Democratic primary. ... More

London, October 21 (RHC)-- The UK and China are set to sign a nuclear deal to help fund a new nuclear power station in Britain. Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is on an official visit to London, will preside over the signing of the deal based on which China will take a stake in the EDF project in Somerset that is due to start operating by 2025 and is the first European nuclear plant to be built since Japan's Fukushima disaster in 2011. ... More

Riyadh, October 21 (RHC)-- The official death toll from the recent deadly human crush during the Hajj rituals in Mina, near the holy Saudi city of Mecca, has hit 2,165, according to latest figures given by foreign governments... More

Moscow, October 21 (RHC)-- The Russian government will grant a 1.2 billion Euro credit line to build energy-generation blocks in two power plants. The accord adopted by the Russian government stipulates that the funds will be invested to build a 200-megawatt unit at the Maximo Gomez power plant and three 200-megawatt units at the Este Habana power plant, according to the RIA Novosti news agency. ... More

Damascus, October 21 (RHC)-- Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoabi categorically denied any presence of Cuban or North Korean troops in his country and said that Russian assistance is more than enough to fight terrorism. ... More

Geneva, October 21 (RHC)-- Cuba declared in favor of policies to address the causes and consequences of the current immigration crisis in a central intervention during the 133rd Assembly of Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) which concluded in Geneva today. ... More

United Nations, October 21 (RHC-PL) -- Nicaragua's ambassador to the United Nations, María Rubiales, has called for a united vote by the international community against the blockade imposed by the U.S. government on Cuba. ... More

Havana, October 21 (RHC-PL) -- Services, operations and logistics in the tourism sector in Cuba have suffered adverse effects due to the U.S. blockade imposed on the island for more than five decades. According to the report presented by Cuba to the UN General Assembly, the amount of damages in that branch totalled $1,506 million USD, from April 2014 to the same month in 2015. ... More

Pretoria, October 21 (RHC-PL) -- The Vice President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, travelled to Cuba on an official visit until Monday, October 26, a note from the Presidency reported in Pretoria today. ... More
