Sports News Roundup October 12

Holguin may classify for the 2nd phase of the 55th National Baseball Series after sweeping Sancti Spiritus in the 11th subset of the Season.... More

Matanzas, October 12 (RHC)-- The first fourteen flights of U.S. private aero-clubs flew into Matanzas province as part of a collaboration program between aviation associations from the two countries following the reestablishment of U.S.-Cuba diplomatic relations. ... More

Prof. Angus Deaton, a British economist, was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science on Monday for improving the accuracy of basic economic gauges, including measures of income, poverty and consumption.... More

Stockholm, October 12 (RHC)-- Cubans residing in Europe have called on the U.S. Congress to lift the economic, commercial and financial blockade that Washington has maintained against their nation for over 50 years. ... More

Guatemala City, October 12 (RHC)-- The Cuban doctors who have been working in Guatemala since Hurricane Mitch hit that nation in 1998 have given over 38.8 million medical consultations to date. ... More

Pinar del Rio, October 12 (RHC)-- Tobacco growers in the Vuelta Abajo region, in western Pinar del Rio, have begun the planting season of the famous Cuban product. ... More

La Paz, October 12 (teleSUR-RHC)-- United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for immediate action on climate change at the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Defense of Life in Cochabamba, Bolivia. ... More

Mexico City, October 12 (teleSUR-RHC)-- An intense shootout erupted in broad daylight in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, between Mexican army soldiers and alleged kidnappers with a death toll of six, including five of the suspects and one military staff member, La Jornada reported on Sunday.... More

Guatemala City, October 12 (EFE-RHC)-- Guatemala raised the death toll in the mudslide that earlier in the month devastated El Cambray II village, bordering the capital, to 273 -- while 267 remain missing.... More

Santiago de Chile, October 12 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Chilean government said Sunday it is willing to negotiate “better access to the sea" for Bolivia, but won’t discuss the issue of Bolivia’s sovereignty over it.... More

Lima, October 12 (RHC-EFE)-- Two inmates were killed and 49 others injured in a fire that was intentionally started and subsequent riot at the prison in the Peruvian city of Chiclayo, located some 485 miles north of Lima, the Ombudsman’s Office said.... More

Bogotá, October 12 (RHC-EFE)-- FARC leader Rodrigo Londoño Echeverri, alias “Timochenko,” said on Saturday the guerrilla group should suspend its recruiting because of the progress being made in peace talks with the Colombian government, and said that the subject is currently being discussed.... More

Mexico City, October 12 (RHC-EFE)-- The Federal Police found and destroyed 300 tons of marijuana in Balleza, a city in the northern state of Chihuahua, the Mexican National Security Commission said.... More

Panama City, October 12 (EFE-RHC)-- A Panamanian Supreme Court justice investigating wiretapping allegations against former President Ricardo Martinelli has found sufficient evidence to link the ex-head of state to the purported eavesdropping on some 150 people during his administration, judiciary officials said.... More

Berlin, October 10 (RHC)-- Tens of thousands of people have marched in the German capital, Berlin, against a planned trans-Atlantic free trade pact negotiated by the European Union (EU) and the United States.... More
