Berlin, October 7 (RHC)-- Germany’s Interior Ministry says it has registered about 577,000 asylum seekers between January and September, with a third of them believed to be from Syria. In a statement released on Wednesday, the German ministry said the sum was registered on Germany’s EASY system. ... More

Sports News Roundup October 07

The 55th Cuban Baseball Classic closes the 2nd preliminary 3rd part with 12 possible teams to qualify for the 2nd round, but Santiago de Cuba, Artemisa and Mayabeque and Camagüey.... More

Villa Clara, October 7 (RHC)-- Official activities began Wednesday in Villa Clara province to pay homage to Argentinean-Cuban legendary Guerrilla Commander Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, on the 48th anniversary of his murder in Bolivia.... More

Havana, October 7 (RHC)-- The 14th Congress of the Pan American Federation of Nursing Professionals began sessions in Havana Wednesday with the participation of 600 delegates from some 20 nations. The central theme of the event is “The contribution of nursing to excellence in health services."... More

Beirut, October 7 (RHC)-- Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassi said that his country will vote in favor of the resolution Cuba will present to the UN demanding the lifting of the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the United States. ... More

La Paz, October 7 (RHC)-- Bolivia's Minister of the Presidency, Juan Ramon Quintana, highlighted the example of the five Cuban heroes, who suffered unjust imprisonment in U.S. jails, and of Orlando Cardoso, who was imprisoned for nearly 11 years in Somalia.... More

Washington, October 7 (RHC)-- The U.S. commander in Afghanistan has altered the U.S. account of the bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, for the fourth time in as many days, acknowledging U.S. Special Operations Forces, not Afghan allies, called in the attack. ... More

Caracas, October 7 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro rejected statements by Guyana’s new U.S. Ambassador Perry Holloway regarding the dispute between the neighboring territories over the Essequibo region.... More

Kabul, October 7 (RHC)-- Doctors Without Borders says Afghan and U.S. forces together decided to destroy its clinic in Kunduz, northern Afghanistan, reiterating that the fatal attack amounts to a war crime.... More

Moscow, October 7 (RHC)-- Spy agencies in the United States and the United Kingdom have been aggressively developing tools to hack mobile phones without their owners' knowledge, according to U.S. intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden.... More

Jerusalem, October 7 (RHC)-- Israeli forces have razed to the ground homes belonging to Palestinians in the East Jerusalem after Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the intensification of attacks against Palestinians.... More

London, October 7 (RHC)-- The U.S. and UK are undermining the measures by the UN to control the use of “killer robots” in an attempt to safeguard their investments, experts say. "A lot of money is going into development (of lethal autonomous weapons) and people will want a return on their investment," said Christof Heyns, the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions in an interview published by the Guardian on Tuesday.... More

Amman, October 7 (RHC)-- Russia says it would consider an airborne operation against Daesh Takfiri terrorists in Iraq if it receives a formal request from the Arab country's authorities for conducting such a military campaign.... More

Madrid, October 7 (RHC)-- Spain has revoked the passport of the former managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Rodrigo Rato, as he faces charges of fraud. A Madrid judge had Rato’s passport confiscated after questioning him for nearly three hours about details of his personal wealth.... More

Guatemala City, October 7 (RHC)-- The death toll from a mudslide on the outskirts of the Guatemalan capital has climbed to 152, as rescue workers recover more bodies from a hillside. The chief of emergency services, Alejandro Maldonado, told reporters that at least 300 people were still unaccounted for. ... More
