Havana, October 7 (RHC)-- Argentinean Foreign Minister Hector Marcos Timerman is paying an official visit to Cuba on Wednesday.... More

Havana, October 7 (RHC)-- The Prime Minister of the Slovakian Republic, Robert Fico, kicks off an official visit to Cuba on Wednesday.... More

Havana, October 7 (RHC)-- Cuban First Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel met on Tuesday in Havana with the manager of the UN Development Program (UNDP), Helen Clark, who is on a working visit to the island.... More

Havana, October 7 (RHC)-- U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker visited on Tuesday the Special Development Zone at Mariel Harbor, a project she described as “attractive.”... More

Washington, October 7 (RHC)-- U.S. lawmaker Rick Crawford, Republican for Arkansas, introduced a bill at the U.S. Congress seeking agricultural exchange between the United States and Cuba.... More

Washington, October 7 (RHC)-- Engage Cuba, an organization that promotes the normalization of U.S.-Cuba relations, issued a communique on Tuesday by its president James Williams regarding the current visit to the island by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker.... More

Panama City, October 7 (RHC)-- A Panamanian trade mission will travel to Cuba on October 27th to explore business opportunities, according to the entity organizing the visit.... More

Havana, October 7 (RHC)-- The president of the Cuban Parliament International Relations Committee, Yolanda Ferrer, has met with members of the European Left Party Coalition, headed by its vice president, Maite Mola.... More

San Salvador, October 7 (teleSUR-RHC)-- El Salvador’s murder rate continues to soar, with gang violence blamed for what the government says is a 72 percent increase in murders in the first nine months of 2015 over the same period last year.... More

Mexico City, October 7 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Mexico’s Defense Secretary said late Monday that he will not allow national soldiers to be questioned by international investigators over the apparent abduction and killing of 43 students in Ayotzinapa last year.... More

Bogotá, October 7 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Political developments are heating up in Colombia as the country prepares for another election, with at least seven candidates killed and 30 municipalities uncovering cases of electoral fraud.... More

Lima, October 7 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The government of Peru announced on Tuesday that it has reached an agreement on changes to the controversial Las Bambas mining project after meeting with mayors whose constituents have raised concerns over its environmental impacts.... More

Montevideo, October 7 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Uruguayan government reaffirmed Tuesday their commitment to make progress on the political and social recognition of Afro-Uruguayan people, who represent about 10 percent of the national population, while the greatest concentration of this ethnic group is located in Montevideo. ... More

Brasilia, October 7 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The government of Switzerland confirmed on Tuesday that it has frozen the bank accounts and assets of Eduardo Cunha, the speaker of Brazilian lower house of congress, for suspected money laundering that could link him to the corruption scandal surrounding the state-owned oil giant Petrobras. ... More

Viña del Mar, October 6 (RHC-AFP)-- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that the United States and Cuba are discussing a joint maritime reserve in waters between the two countries.... More
