Quito, September 30 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Speaking from an international conference in Ecuador, Afro-Latina politician and human rights defender, Piedad Cordoba, didn’t shy away from speaking up for her fellow Afro-descendants across Latin America on Tuesday. ... More

Montevideo, September 30 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Police officials from 10 different countries across Latin America are meeting in Uruguay on Tuesday in order to strengthen regional efforts to combat money laundering. ... More

Paris, September 30 (RHC)-- Cuba is taking part at Paris' Top Resa Tourist Fair to exchange with tour-operators about the island's offer for the upcoming winter season.... More

Quito, September 30 (RHC)-- The Cuban Revolution is living a crucial moment following its determination to continue building Socialism, said the chief of the Cuban Communist Party International Relations Department, Jose Ramon Balaquer in Ecuador.... More

Havana, September 30 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro met with his Vietnamese counterpart Truong Tan Sang, who is on an official visit to Cuba.... More

New York, September 30 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro returned to Havana from New York, where in attended plenary sessions of the UN General Assembly and carried out a tight, five-day agenda of meetings with U.S. and world leaders. Raul arrived at the Jose Marti International Airport Tuesday afternoon.... More

United Nations, September 29 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro concluded Tuesday afternoon a packed agenda of activities in New York, where he attended the high-level segment of the UN General Assembly and met with several world leaders.... More

Havana, September 29 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro and his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama met Tuesday morning at United Nations headquarters in New York, where the two leaders are attending high-level UN meetings.... More

Havana, September 29 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez reiterated Tuesday that there can not be fully normalized U.S.-Cuba relations as long as the blockade policy remains in place.... More

United Nations, September 29 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro has met in New York with his counterparts from Russia, Vladimir Putin, and France, Francois Hollande, in the context of the annual high-level debate of the UN General Assembly.... More

Sports News Roundup September 29

Industriales stormed the 2nd place at the 55th Cuban Baseball Championship, only 1 game away from the leader Ciego de Ávila, when combined their 2 wins over Holguín on Monday with a couple of Granma's defeats facing Isla de la Juventud.... More

New York, September 29 (RHC)-- Media from around the world are echoing the speech by President Raul Castro at the high-level segment of the 70th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.... More

Brasilia, September 29 (RHC)-- Brazil's Workers Party (PT) has begun a campaign on TV networks and radio stations to show the true intentions of the Brazilian opposition which is taking advantage of the unfavorable economic situation.... More

Riyadh, September 29 (RHC)-- The Saudi government confirms the death toll in the recent Hajj tragedy has reached 4,173, reports say. Saudi Vice Minister of Health Hamad bin Muhammad Al-Duweila said on Tuesday that he has received a photo showing that 4,173 pilgrims were killed in the tragic incident in Minda, near the holy city of Mecca. ... More

Quito, September 29 (RHC)-- Renowned worldwide for being located in the middle of the world, Ecuador became the capital of the international Left, welcoming over 300 political leaders and militants from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.... More
