New York, September 26 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro is meeting a tight working agenda in New York City, which include his attendance at plenary sessions of the UN General Assembly, as well as meetings with U.S. and world leaders. ... More

New York, September 26 (RHC)-- New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, seeking to expand his state’s relationship with Cuba, met on Friday with Cuban President Raúl Castro, for the first time, the governor’s office said.... More

Bogota, September 26 (PL-RHC)-- Colombian airline Aviatur and its cargo department Avia Express opened in Bogotá a parcel service that will be provided by the company to various airports in Cuba with the collaboration of Aerovaradero company.... More

Havana, September 26 (PL-RHC)-- The upcoming total lunar eclipse, to take place on the evening of September 27th, will be visible throughout Cuba from beginning to end, the Geophysics and Astronomy Institute of the Island nation said.... More

Buenos Aires, September 26 (PL-RHC)-- Havanatur, main travel agency in Cuba, will establish its promotion work at the International Tourism Fair, FIT 2015, in Buenos Aires, the largest in Latin America stating on Saturday in La Rural. ... More

Matanzas, September 26 (PL-RHC)-- "Performance, Innovation and Cooperation for Development, is the motto experts will focus on in Matanzas on October 28-30 during the the 7th National Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation (CITAtenas-2015), organizers reported.... More

Havana, September 26 (RHC)-- Jose Narro, Rector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), received on Friday the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Havana in the Aula Magna, the Main Lecture Hall. ... More

United Nations, September 26 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro spoke Saturday morning at the United Nations Summit for the Adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The Cuban head of state denounced the instability in various regions in which two-thirds of the world's population live.... More

Santiago de Chile, September 26 (teleSUR-RHC) -- A group of 33 Chilean miners will travel to the Vatican where they will meet with Pope Francis to share their terrifying experience of being trapped underground for nearly 70 days in the San Jose Mine.... More

Bogotá, September 26 (teleSUR-RHC) -- A Colombian court ruled Thursday against holding a referendum on bullfights in the capital city of Bogota.... More

Brasilia, September 26 (teleSUR-RHC) -- Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff postponed plans to cut 10 out of the country’s 37 ministries, which are part of Rousseff’s larger fiscal policy mandate in order to curb the country's fast expanding fiscal deficit.... More

Paris, September 26 (PL-RHC) -- Projects in progress in Guatemala and El Salvador won the UNESCO-Japan award on Education for Sustainable Development, according to a statement published on Friday in Paris.... More

New York, September 26 (teleSUR-RHC) -- Bolivian President Evo Morales delivered a speech on Friday at the U.N. General Assembly, calling on world leaders to work together to provide more opportunities to economically disadvantaged populations.... More

Santiago de Chile, September 26 (PL-RHC) -- Chile is arranging the last details to create the first World Seismological Center in order to help the international community to prepare against the scourge of earthquakes.... More

Brasilia, September 26 (PL-RHC) -- Leaders of allied political parties of the Brazilian government reaffirmed their commitment to democracy and their will to fight the attempts of the opposition today in Congress to take President Dilma Rousseff out of office.... More
