Baghdad, September 25 (RHC)-- Iraqi security and medical officials say at least seven people have lost their lives and more than a dozen sustained injuries in a spate of bomb attacks in and around the country’s violence-plagued capital.... More

Baghdad, September 25 (RHC)-- Iraqi forces have killed 110 Daesh terrorists in separate operations against the Takfiri group across the country. A security source, requesting not to be named, told Arabic-language al-Sumaria satellite television network that a total of 20 Daesh extremists were killed when Iraqi aircraft carried out precision strikes against terrorist hideouts in the al-Malahama and Tel Mashihida districts, which lie east of Anbar’s provincial capital city of Ramadi, on Thursday.... More

Jakarta, September 25 (RHC)-- At least 62 people have been injured and hundreds of houses damaged after an earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale rocked the eastern Indonesian province of West Papua. ... More

New York, September 25 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin will meet on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting in New York next week at a time of high tension between the two countries. ... More

United Nations, September 25 (RHC)-- The United Nations secretary general has hailed a recent decision by the European Union to earmark one billion euros (1.1 billion USD) in funds to tackle the refugee crisis.... More

London, September 25 (RHC)-- A legal proceeding has been initiated against British Prime Minister David Cameron over his decision to target Daesh or ISIL terrorists in Syria.... More

Tel Aviv, September 25 (RHC)-- The Tel Aviv regime has moved to toughen measures against Palestinian stone-throwers in Jerusalem, broadening the rules that allow Israeli military forces to target Palestinians with live bullets.... More

Coming Outstanding events in Cuba

Cuba certainly knows how to party, and the calendar is full of events to celebrate. Many of its most famous fiestas, like Santiago’s Carnaval and Havana’s International Ballet Festival, attract visitors from all around the world. Historic Trinidad is renowned for its elaborate traditions surrounding Catholic holidays, such as the Way of the Cross procession at Easter and Fiestas Navideñas at Christmastime. Experience Cuba’s festive spirit by planning your trip around one of the country’s legendary fiestas.... More

United Nations, September 25 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro arrived Thursday in New York to participate in the United Nations Summit dedicated to the approval of the Post-2015 Development Agenda and the General Debate of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly.... More

Guayaquil, September 25 (RHC)-- Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa said that during his administration, the number of medical consultations increased from 16 million to 36 million thanks to the collaboration of Cuba.... More

Panama City, September 25 (RHC)-- Cuban Tourism official Pablo Vazquez said in Panama that given the tourist boom witnessed by Cuba, marked by a 17 percent growth, the island is approaching three million foreign vacationers.... More

Geneva, September 25 (RHC)-- Cuban civil society organizations stressed in Geneva the island's work toward the protection and promotion of the rights of children and adolescents during a panel that ran parallel to the 30th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.... More

Cuba and U.S. Talk Civil Aviation

Washington, September 25 (RHC)-- U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Charles Rivkin will head a government delegation to talks on civil aviation with Cuban authorities on September 28th and 29th.... More

Mexico City, September 25 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Prior to the meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto, the parents of the 43 forcibly disappeared students September 26, 2014 elaborated a document with eight petitions that were bluntly rejected by the Mexican head of state.... More

Sports News Roundup September 25

Marius Vizer, president of the International Judo Federation, arrived in Havana on Thursday to carry out a working agenda.... More
