Vienna, September 21 (RHC)-- At least 7,000 more migrants have arrived in Austria from Hungary via Croatia as the refugee crisis in the European Union continues. The refugees entered Austria Sunday and were being processed at the town of Nickelsdorf on the Hungarian border, according to authorities. ... More

Santiago de Chile, September 21 (RHC)-- The strong earthquake that struck off the Chilean coast last week has so far left upwards of 9,000 people homeless, dramatically increasing previous estimates. ... More

Holguin, September 21 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro attended a mass officiated by Pope Francis on Monday in the eastern city of Holguin, the second leg of his Cuba Papal visit, which will conclude in Santiago de Cuba on Tuesday.... More

Havana, September 20 (RHC)-- Pope Francis visited with the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, on Sunday, following his Mass delivered in Havana. ... More

Havana, September 20 (RHC)-- In his message to the Cuban people during Sunday's mass, Pope Francis said human beings should serve one another and not ideologies.... More

Havana, September 20 (RHC)-- More than 300,000 people, among them believers and non-believers from across Cuba, pilgrims and personalities from around the world attended Pope Francis' first Mass in Cuba, held Sunday morning at the José Martí Revolution Square.... More

Havana, September 20 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro attended Mass by visiting Pope Francis Sunday morning in Havana's Revolution Square.... More

Havana, September 19 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro personally welcomed Pope Francis at the José Marti International Airport in Havana Saturday afternoon. Addressing those present at the welcoming ceremony, the Cuban head of state pointed to tireless efforts by the Cuban government and people to build a truly just society with equity, despite the constant economic and political attacks against Cuba by its enemies.... More

Havana, September 19 (RHC)-- Pope Francis says that the process toward the normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States is an example of reconciliation.... More

Havana, September 19 (RHC)-- Brazilian theologian Frei Betto said on Saturday in Havana that Pope Francis is making a true revolution within the Catholic Church.... More

Havana, September 19 (RHC)-- Pope Francis arrived in the Cuban capital of Havana at approximately 4 p.m. local time Saturday afternoon to begin a pastoral visit to the Caribbean nation. The Pontiff was officially welcomed at the airport by Cuban President Raul Castro, along with Cardenal Jaime Ortega and other religious and government officials.... More

Quito, September 19 (RHC-PL) -- Six Cuban heroes -- including the five anti-terrorist fighters who faced long sentences in U.S. prisons -- will visit Ecuador next week at the invitation of President Rafael Correa, a diplomatic source confirmed.... More

La Paz, September 19 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Residents of the Bolivian departments of La Paz, Potosi, Chuquisaca, Oruro and Cochabamba will vote on Sunday on whether to approve autonomy statutes that would provide local governments with greater powers.... More

Buenos Aires, September 19 (RHC-PL) -- Argentinean President Cristina Fernandez received her Bolivian counterpart, Evo Morales, at the Government Palace on Friday.... More

Santiago de Chile, September 19 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Chile has been hit by two new earthquakes of magnitudes 6 and 6.3 early Saturday, just as the country is recovering from an earthquake that left over a dozen dead and millions evacuated.... More
