The Cuban Music Recording and Editing Company -EGREM- has reportedly signed a historical global licensing agreement with its US counterpart Sony Music Entertainment... More

Quito, September 16 (RHC)-- The Cuban Five -- Gerardo Hernandez, Rene Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando Gonzalez -- will visit Ecuador next week, according to Cuba's Embassy in Quito... More

Sports News Roundup September 16

An office for monitoring and analyzing domestic and foreign baseball matches has been created in Cuba to develop the national sport in this country.... More

Ankara, September 16 (RHC)-- Twenty-two asylum seekers have lost their lives as their wooden boat capsized in the Aegean Sea off the Turkish coast. ... More

Caracas, September 16 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced Tuesday the state of exception already implemented in various border points to control criminality fueled by Colombian paramilitaries will be extended into 10 municipalities in the country’s border region with Colombia under the country’s new peacekeeping mission. ... More

Budapest, September 16 (RHC)-- In news from Europe, about 150 refugees have crossed into Croatia after they were blocked at the Hungarian-Serbian border. Hungary has sealed its border with Serbia and enacted new laws that criminalize border crossings with up to three years’ imprisonment. ... More

United Nations, September 16 (RHC)-- Another member of the scandal-ridden UN peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic (CAR) has been accused of sexual exploitation, bringing the total number of such cases to 17. ... More

United Nations, September 16 (RHC)-- The Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations says hundreds of world leaders have been invited to take part in a ceremony to raise the country's flag at the UN headquarters in New York later this month. ... More

Washington, September 16 (RHC)-- A change in U.S. government procedures has led to a major increase in immigrants losing health insurance under President Barack Obama’s healthcare law because of immigration and citizenship issues. ... More

Berlin, September 16 (RHC)-- In Germany, the barracks for Nazi SS officers at a concentration camp during World War II has now become the home of refugees who fled to Europe for better lives. ... More

Tokyo, September 16 (RHC)-- In Japan, thousands marched outside the Japanese Parliament for a second consecutive day to protest the plan to rewrite Japan’s pacifist constitution to allow Japanese troops to fight abroad for the first time since World War II. ... More

Washington, September 16 (RHC)-- U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who is running for the Democratic nomination, has lost 21 percentage points in support over the past two months, a new poll has revealed. ... More

San Francisco, September 16 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of California, major wildfires are continuing to burn out of control despite the efforts of nearly 9,000 firefighters. ... More

St. Louis, September 16 (RHC)-- In news from Ferguson, in the U.S. state of Missouri, a panel formed in the aftermath of the police shooting of Michael Brown has called for reforms to address racial injustice in the St. Louis region. ... More

Washington, September 16 (RHC)-- After a lengthy legal battle, the Barack Obama administration has given a court redacted versions of eight videotapes showing force-feedings of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay. ... More
