London, September 14 (RHC)-- Tens of thousands of people marched in London Saturday to demand Britain do more to help refugees. The protest came just before British Prime Minister David Cameron left for Lebanon to visit refugee camps. ... More

Gaza City, September 14 (RHC)-- Hundreds of Palestinians have held a demonstration in the blockaded Gaza Strip in protest against the Israeli regime’s latest attack on the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem. ... More

Washington, September 14 (RHC)-- U.S. sanctions against Chinese companies could prompt Beijing to cancel President Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States later this month, a report says. The Financial Times reported earlier this month that the United States was preparing to impose sanctions against Chinese companies linked to the alleged cyber theft of American intellectual property. ... More

Berlin, September 14 (RHC)-- In a decision that highlights the pressure on European countries by the influx of migrants flooding through its borders, Germany has temporarily reinstated controls at the Austrian border and halted train traffic. The move effectively suspends Germany's participation in the European Union’s borderless Schengen system, one of the cornerstones of the European integration project that began in the 1990s. ... More

Cairo, September 14 (RHC)-- In Egypt, at least a dozen people visiting from Mexico have died after Egyptian security forces mistakenly fired on a group of tourists and guides. ... More

Gaza City, September 14 (RHC)-- The Union of Gaza gas station owners have warned about the fuel shortage in the Israeli-blockaded Palestinian territory, saying petroleum supplies in the Gaza Strip are running increasingly low. ... More

Tokyo, September 14 (RHC)-- Anger is mounting as the Japanese government has resumed work on the construction of a controversial new U.S. military base in southern Okinawa following a month-long suspension. ... More

London, September 14 (RHC)-- Man-made global warming is set to produce exceptionally high average temperatures this year and and in 2016, Britain's top climate and weather body says. "Big changes underway in the climate system?,” is a 20-page report from Britain's Met Office. ... More

Canberra, September 14 (RHC)-- Australia’s ruling Liberal Party has voted out beleaguered Prime Minister Tony Abbott in favor of longtime rival Malcolm Turnbull in a party leadership battle. ... More

Havana, September 14 (RHC)-- Cuban Communist Party members held the first 27 municipal meetings, which along with provincial gatherings, started a process towards the 7th Congress of the political organization, slated for April 15th and 16th next year.... More

Havana, September 14 (RHC)-- The Minister of Sports and Youth of the Republic of Mali, Housseini Amion Guindo, is paying an official visit to Cuba at the invitation of the National Sports, Physical Education and Recreation Institute, INDER.... More

Havana, September 14 (RHC)-- Cuban orthopedists will present their latest advancements at the 26th Congress of the Cuban Orthopedics and Traumatology Society, September 21st through the 26th in the eastern city of Camaguey.... More

Havana, September 14 (RHC)-- Nanotechnology experts are gathering today and until Friday at Havana's Convention Center for the Fifth International Seminar in that scientific field.... More

Bogotá, September 14 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Some 20,000 Colombian citizens have crossed the border from Venezuela back into Colombia, according to United Nations figures published Sunday, many of whom falsely claim to have been deported, when in fact they are opportunists taking advantage of benefits the government began to offer those who return to the country.... More

Mexico City, September 14 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A Mexican federal court has ruled in favor of the notorious drug kingpin Ernesto “Don Neto” Fonseca, granting him the benefit of house arrest to purge the last 10 years of a 40-year prison sentence due to his responsibility in the torture and death of a DEA agent. ... More
