Caracas, September 12 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro led a preliminary consulting seminar Friday for a “New Border of Peace” in Caracas. ... More

Caracas, September 12 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Venezuelan government rejected comments by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday’s ruling by a Venezuelan court that found opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez guilty of inciting violence that led to the deaths of 43 people in 2014.... More

Bogotá, September 12 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Enrique Peñalosa, who served as mayor of Bogota, Colombia, from 1998 to 2001, emerged as the favorite in a new poll released Friday, which was conducted by Ipsos Napoleon Franco for a consortium of Colombian media outlets.... More

Roseau, September 11 (PL-RHC)-- Dominica remains on high alert for possible floods and landslides by the remains of a tropical storm, which could worsen the disaster caused by the Erika storm.... More

Quito, September 12 (PL-RHC)-- Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa said Friday that Ecuador is still an extremely unequal nation and two percent of the big families own 90 percent of the companies.... More

La Paz, September 12 (PL-RHC)-- The Bolivian Government devotes 14 percent of the State general budget to education, placing it as the second country in Latin America after Cuba with that amount.... More

Havana, September 11 (RHC)-- The Cuban Council of State has agreed to decorate Major General Carlos Fernández Gondín with the Honorary Title of Hero of the Republic of Cuba. The honorary title was also awarded posthumously to Brigadier Generals Raúl Díaz-Argüelles García and Víctor Schueg Colás.... More

Papua Guinea, September 11 (RHC)-- Cuba and Micronesia have formally established diplomatic relations, during a ceremony in Papua Guinea, in the context of the 46th Meeting of Pacific Islands Leaders.... More

Uruguay Writes Off Cuba's Debt

Montevideo, September 11 (RHC)-- The Government of Uruguay has decided to write off Cuba's debt in full, in agreement with a decree passed by the House of Representatives of the South American country. ... More

Mexico City, September 11 (RHC)-- The Mexican Senate has received Cuban Hero René González, one of the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters who served long and unjust prison terms in US jails.... More

Sanaa, September 11 (RHC)-- Saudi Arabia has bombarded several areas across Yemen, as the United Nations says Yemeni parties have agreed to hold peace talks to end the conflict in the impoverished Arab country.... More

Quito, September 11 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa described the border situation with Colombia as “tough” as contraband affected both sides of the frontier, as he announced Thursday that new measures to control imports will be implemented along the line that divides his country from the neighboring nation.... More

Sanaa, September 11 (RHC)-- At least four people have lost their lives in a U.S. assassination drone strike in the Yemeni province of Hadhramaut. A local official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Thursday that the drone hit a sports utility vehicle near the provincial capital city of al-Mukalla, located some 800 kilometers southeast of the capital, Sanaa, the night before.... More

Washington, September 11 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered his administration to prepare to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, according to White House spokesman Josh Earnest.... More

United Nations, September 11 (RHC)-- The United Nations has approved a resolution calling for the hoisting of the Palestinian flag at the world body’s headquarters in New York. On Thursday, the UN General Assembly decided that the flags of the non-member observer states of Palestine and the Holy See "shall be raised at UN Headquarters and United Nations Offices following the flags of the member states."... More
