Brasilia, September 10 (PL-RHC)-- Brazil is becoming the main destination of Syrian refugees in Latin America, after receiving 2,077 Syrian citizens fleeing from the conflict in the Middle East nation.... More

Havana, September 10 (RHC)-- Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela, who is on a four-day official visit to Cuba, said that his country looks forward to strengthening bilateral relations with the people and government of Cuba. ... More

Hanoi, September 10 (RHC)-- Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang met on Wednesday with members of friendship organizations, including Cuban representatives, who attended the 7th Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting in Solidarity with Cuba in Hanoi. ... More

Havana, September 10 (RHC)-- The Cuban Council of State, at the proposal of its President Raul Castro, agreed to appoint Deputy Economy and Planning Minister Adel Yzquierdo new Transportation Minister and release Cesar Ignacio Arocha from that post. ... More

St. George's, September 10 (RHC)-- Members of the CARICOM Science, Technology and Innovation Committee will visit Cuba from September 14th through the 17th to explore opportunities for cooperation in the field, according to Grenadian media.... More

Havana, September 9 (RHC)-- Cuba and Syria both reaffirmed their commitment to continue strengthening the bilateral solidarity, friendship and cooperation ties that were established 50 years ago by Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro and then Syrian President Hafiz al-Assad. ... More

Pretoria, September 9 (RHC)-- South African Father Michael Lapsley said lifting the blockade on Cuba and returning Guantánamo to the Cuban people are pending problems the U.S. government needs to resolve as soon as possible. ... More

Havana, September 9 (RHC)-- Historians from different countries the world over are debating here in Havana the significance of the “Jamaica Letter,” written 200 years ago by Venezuelan Independence Hero, the Liberator Simón Bolívar. ... More

Havana, September 9 (RHC)-- Cubans paid tribute to U.S. Reverend Lucius Walker, a good friend of the Cuban people and their Revolution, on occasion of the 5th anniversary of his death.... More

Havana, September 9 (RHC)-- Cuba will host the 7th National Congress on Sexual Orientation, Education and Health, set for September 14th through the 18th, aimed at designing policies and services to strengthen sexual education and health. ... More

United Nations, September 9 (RHC)-- The United Nations is now estimating at least 850,000 people are expected to cross the Mediterranean this year and next, seeking refuge in Europe to escape violence and unrest in Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, sub-Saharan Africa and other regions. At least 366,000 refugees have arrived in Europe so far this year. ... More

Santiago de Chile, September 9 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Mapuche Indigenous leaders criticized the Chilean government’s handling of an incident that took place on Monday in which Chilean military troops stormed the offices of the National Corporation of Indigenous Development (Conadi).... More

Strasbourg, September 9 (RHC)-- The European Commission president has announced plans to deal with Europe's worst refugee crisis since World War II, urging the European Union member states to take "bold" action to tackle the problem. ... More

Istanbul, September 9 (RHC)-- In Turkey, a wave of nationalist violence swept the country overnight as protesters attacked the headquarters of the pro-Kurdish HDP party and a Kurdish newspaper office. ... More

London, September 9 (RHC)-- UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon says London would not hesitate to carry out more secret drone attacks on British militants in Syria. His statements come one day after UK Prime Minister David Cameron revealed that British forces have killed three Daesh terrorists, including two young Britons, in the northern Syrian city of Raqqah in a drone airstrike. ... More
