Havana, September 5 (RHC) -– The International Committee for Peace, Justice and the Dignity of the Peoples, together with other solidarity organizations based in Washington, are carrying out this month a worldwide campaign to demand the lifting of the economic blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.... More

Pyongyang, Sep 5, (RHC), -- The vice president of the Council of State and the Council of Ministers of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel, highlighted the island's friendly relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), where he arrived in an official visit.... More

Havana, Sep 5, (RHC), – Thousands of voices will rise in Portugal against the unjust economic blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba for over five decades. This as part of a special session of solidarity with the Caribbean island during the festival of the Avante newspaper.... More

Havana, Sep 5, (RHC), – The president of the Serbian Parliament, Maja Gojković, visited on Saturday the Center for Genetic Engeneering and Biotechnology and the historic center of Havana, as she concluded an official visit to Cuba.... More

Pyongyang, Sep 5, (RHC), -- Cuban First Vice President of the Council of State and the Council of Ministers, Miguel Diaz-Canel, who is visiting Pyongyang, paid posthumous tribute to Korean leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.... More

Moscow, Sep 5 (RHC) The Russian social movement Venceremos has joined the global solidarity campaign for an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade that the United States has imposed on Cuba for more than five decades.... More

Moscow, Sep 5, (RHC), -- In other news from Russia, for the first time ever, a Cuban biotechnology product, Heberprot-P, was included in the list of Essential, Vital Medicines by the specialized commission of the Health Ministry of Russia in session, Friday in Moscow.... More

Havana, Aug 5, (RHC), -- The Foreign Minister of Chile, Heraldo Muñoz, termed as very successful his diplomatic and business visit to Cuba, saying it has opened the doors to increased bilateral exchange.... More

Kingston, September 5 (RHC-PL), -- Jamaica today hosts the 10th Summit of Heads of State of Petrocaribe, an energy cooperation project devised by the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, in Montego Bay.... More

Caracas, September 5 (RHC-PL), -- Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodríguez insisted on the pertinence of a dialogue between President Nicolas Maduro and Colombia’s Juan Manuel Santos, in order to find a solution to the border crisis.... More

Damascus, September 5 (RHC)-- Twin bomb attacks have killed at least 26 people and injured 50 others in Syria’s southwestern city of Suwayda, police sources say. ... More

Washington, September 5 (RHC)-- Saudi Arabian King Salman arrived in Washington, D.C., to meet with U.S. President Barack Obama to discuss the Iran nuclear deal and other issues. ... More

Brussels, September 5 (RHC)-- In news from Europe, leaders are holding another round of emergency talks about how to respond to the hundreds of thousands of people seeking refuge after fleeing violence in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Eritrea, Nigeria and other regions, ... More

Budapest, September 5 (RHC)-- In response, some European governments rebuked the calls to accept more refugees. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán pushed back against the calls, saying: "I think we have a right to decide that we do not want a large number of Muslim people in our country." ... More

Caracas, September 5 (RHC-PL), -- President Nicolás Maduro appointed new vice presidents and members of his Cabinet to replace those nominated to parliamentary elections scheduled for December 6.... More
