New York, September 5 (RHC)-- Donald Trump has hit a new high in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, new poll suggests. According to a survey by Monmouth University, Trump now enjoys a 30 percent support nationally.... More

Mexico City, September 5 (RHC-PL), -- Vidulfo Rosales, legal representative of the parents of the 43 school teachers who disappeared in Mexico, said the report to be presented next Sunday provides new guidelines for the investigation, media outlets reported.... More

Doha, September 5 (RHC-teleSUR), -- The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, proposed early Saturday a summit of heads of states of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to address new strategies to stabilize the oil market.... More

Havana, September 4 (RHC) – This morning's edition of Granma newspaper calls attention to the historic visit of Pope Francis to Cuba later this month. In a front page article, the newspaper says that the Pontiff will be welcomed by a cheerful and multi-cultural people that respects religious liberties.... More

Cienfuegos, September 4 (RHC) -– Cuban Hero Ramón Labañino is in the central province of Cienfuegos as a guest of honor to the commemorations of the 58th anniversary of the Popular Uprising of September 5th.... More

Havana, September 4 (RHC) -– Cuba will continue fighting for a comprehensive health system and promoting scientific-technical production and research in order to resolve the problems of the population, according to the Public Health Ministry of the Island.... More

Baghdad, September 4 (RHC)-- Iraqi security and medical officials say at least 11 people have lost their lives and more than two dozen sustained injuries after a series of bomb explosions ripped through commercial districts in and around the capital, Baghdad. ... More

Economic Update September 03

The United States exempted dozens of foreign companies and individuals appearing on its sanctions list for having economic and financial relations with Cuba.... More

Guatemala City, September 4 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A Guatemalan judge ordered provisional jail time for former President of Guatemala, Otto Perez Molina, who resigned earlier on Thursday. ... More

Kabul, September 4 (RHC)-- At least 32 people have lost their lives in a U.S. assassination drone strike in Afghanistan's eastern province of Paktia. The Afghan army's 203rd Military Corps said in a statement that the drone hit Gharak area in the province's Ahmadabad district, situated 200 kilometers southwest of the capital, Kabul, on Thursday. The statement added that three people were also wounded in the airstrike. ... More

Budapest, September 4 (RHC)-- More than 300 refugees have broken out of confinement in a refugee camp near the Hungarian town of Roszke on the border with Serbia. According to police, the refugees broke through the fence of the Roszke migrant collection point in two groups and ran toward a highway. ... More

Brussels, September 4 (RHC)-- The father of a drowned Syrian toddler whose heartbreaking images of his lifeless body -- in a t-shirt, shorts and shoes -- on a Turkish beach shocked the world, returned to his home in the Syrian border town of Kobani on Friday to bury his three-year-old son, Aylan Kurdi. ... More

United Nations, September 3 (RHC)-- A draft resolution on hoisting the Palestinian flag at the UN headquarters is set to be put to a vote next week, the Palestinian envoy says. ... More

Brussels, September 4 (RHC)-- NATO has opened a new military command center in the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius amid growing tensions between the West and Russia over the issue of Ukraine. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the so-called NATO Force Integration Unit (NFIU) in Vilnius on Thursday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg described the move as "a big step forward towards greater solidarity, greater strength, and greater readiness." ... More

Paris, September 4 (RHC)-- Seeking major changes from President Francois Hollande on multiple levels, French farmers have taken to the streets in and around Paris from across the country on foot or on board hundreds of slow-moving tractors, Press TV reports. Paris, September 4 (RHC)-- Seeking major changes from President Francois Hollande on multiple levels, French farmers have taken to the streets in and around Paris from across the country on foot or on board hundreds of slow-moving tractors, Press TV reports. ... More
